ILU is a suite of parallel incomplete LU factorization algorithms featuring dual threshold (ILUT) and level-based (ILUK) variants. The implementation is based on a domain decomposition framework for achieving distributed parallelism. ILU can be used as a standalone iterative solver (this is not recommended), preconditioner for Krylov subspace methods, or smoother for multigrid methods such as BoomerAMG and MGR.


ILU is currently only supported by the IJ interface.


ILU utilizes a domain decomposition framework. A basic block-Jacobi approach involves performing inexact solutions within the local domains owned by the processes, using parallel local ILU factorizations. In a more advanced approach, the unknowns are partitioned into interior and interface points, where the interface points separate the interior points in adjacent domains. In an algebraic context, this is equivalent to dividing the matrix rows into local (processor-owned) and external (off-processor-owned) blocks. The overall parallel ILU strategy is a two-level method that consists of ILU solves within the local blocks and a global solve involving the Schur complement system, which various iterative approaches in this framework can solve.

User-level functions

A list of user-level functions for configuring ILU is given below, where each block of functions is marked as Required, Recommended, Optional, or Exclusively required. Note that the last two blocks of function calls are exclusively required, i.e., the first block should be called only when ILU is used as a standalone solver, while the second block should be called only when it is used as a preconditioner to GMRES. In the last case, other Krylov methods can be chosen. We refer the reader to Solvers and Preconditioners for more information.

/* (Required) Create ILU solver */

/* (Recommended) General solver options */
HYPRE_ILUSetType(ilu_solver, ilu_type); /* 0, 1, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 31, 40, 41, 50 */
HYPRE_ILUSetMaxIter(ilu_solver, max_iter);
HYPRE_ILUSetTol(ilu_solver, tol);
HYPRE_ILUSetLocalReordering(ilu_solver, reordering); /* 0: none, 1: RCM */
HYPRE_ILUSetPrintLevel(ilu_solver, print_level);

/* (Optional) Function calls for ILUK variants */
HYPRE_ILUSetLevelOfFill(ilu_solver, fill);

/* (Optional) Function calls for ILUT variants */
HYPRE_ILUSetMaxNnzPerRow(ilu_solver, max_nnz_row);
HYPRE_ILUSetDropThreshold(ilu_solver, threshold);

/* (Optional) Function calls for GMRES-ILU or NSH-ILU */
HYPRE_ILUSetNSHDropThreshold(ilu_solver, threshold);
HYPRE_ILUSetSchurMaxIter(ilu_solver, schur_max_iter);

/* (Optional) Function calls for iterative ILU variants */
HYPRE_ILUSetTriSolve(ilu_solver, 0);
HYPRE_ILUSetLowerJacobiIters(ilu_solver, ljac_iters);
HYPRE_ILUSetUpperJacobiIters(ilu_solver, ujac_iters);

/* (Exclusively required) Function calls for using ILU as standalone solver */
HYPRE_ILUSetup(ilu_solver, parcsr_M, b, x);
HYPRE_ILUSolve(ilu_solver, parcsr_A, b, x);

/* (Exclusively required) Function calls for using ILU as preconditioner to GMRES */
HYPRE_GMRESSetup(gmres_solver, (HYPRE_Matrix)A, (HYPRE_Vector)b, (HYPRE_Vector)x);
HYPRE_GMRESSolve(gmres_solver, (HYPRE_Matrix)A, (HYPRE_Vector)b, (HYPRE_Vector)x);

/* (Required) Free memory */

A short explanation for each of those functions and its parameters is given next.

  • HYPRE_ILUCreate Create the hypre_ILU solver object.

  • HYPRE_ILUDestroy Destroy the hypre_ILU solver object.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetType Set the type of ILU factorization. Options are:

    • 0: Block-Jacobi ILUK (BJ-ILUK).

    • 1: Block-Jacobi ILUT (BJ-ILUT).

    • 10: GMRES with ILUK (GMRES-ILUK).

    • 11: GMRES with ILUT (GMRES-ILUT).

    • 20: NSH with ILUK (NSH-ILUK).

    • 21: NSH with ILUT (NSH-ILUT).

    • 30: RAS with ILUK (RAS-ILUK).

    • 31: RAS with ILUT (RAS-ILUT).

    • 40: ddPQ-GMRES with ILUK (ddPQ-GMRES-ILUK).

    • 41: ddPQ-GMRES with ILUT (ddPQ-GMRES-ILUT).

    • 50: GMRES with RAP-ILU0 with modified ILU0 (GMRES-RAP-ILU0).

  • HYPRE_ILUSetMaxIter Set the maximum number of ILU iterations. We recommend setting this value to one when ILU is used as a preconditioner or smoother.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetTol Set the convergence tolerance for ILU. We recommend setting this value to zero when ILU is used as a preconditioner or smoother.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetLocalReordering Set the local matrix reordering algorithm.

    • 0: No reordering.

    • 1: Reverse Cuthill–McKee (RCM).

  • HYPRE_ILUSetPrintLevel Set the verbosity level for algorithm statistics.

    • 0: No output.

    • 1: Print setup info.

    • 2: Print solve info.

    • 3: Print setup and solve info.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetLevelOfFill Set the level of fill used by the level-based ILUK strategy.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetMaxNnzPerRow Set the maximum number of nonzero entries per row in the triangular factors for ILUT.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetDropThreshold Set the threshold for dropping nonzero entries during the construction of the triangular factors for ILUT.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetNSHDropThreshold Set the threshold for dropping nonzero entries during the computation of the approximate inverse matrix via NSH-ILU.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetSchurMaxIter Set the maximum number of iterations for solving the Schur complement system (GMRES-ILU or NSH-ILU).

  • HYPRE_ILUSetTriSolve Set triangular solve method used in ILU’s solve phase. Option zero refers to the iterative approach, which leads to good performance in GPUs, and option one refers to the direct (exact) approach.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetLowerJacobiIters Set the number of iterations for solving the lower triangular linear system. This option makes sense when enabling the iterative triangular solve approach.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetUpperJacobiIters Same as previous function, but for the upper triangular factor.

  • HYPRE_ILUSetup Setup a hypre_ILU solver object.

  • HYPRE_ILUSolve Solve the linear system with hypre_ILU.

  • HYPRE_ILUDestroy Destroy the hypre_ILU solver object.


For more details about ILU options and parameters, including their default values, we refer the reader to hypre’s reference manual or section ParCSR Solvers.

ILU as Smoother for BoomerAMG

The following functions can be used to configure ILU as a smoother to BoomerAMG:

/* (Required) Set ILU as smoother to BoomerAMG */
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothType(amg_solver, 5);
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumLevels(amg_solver, num_levels);

/* (Optional) General ILU configuration parameters */
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUType(amg_solver, ilu_type);
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUMaxIter(amg_solver, ilu_max_iter);
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULocalReordering(amg_solver, ilu_reordering);

/* (Optional) Function calls for ILUK smoother variants */
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULevel(amg_solver, ilu_fill);

/* (Optional) Function calls for ILUT smoother variants */
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUDroptol(amg_solver, ilu_threshold);
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUMaxRowNnz(amg_solver, ilu_max_nnz_row);

/* (Optional) Function calls for iterative ILU smoother variants */
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUTriSolve(amg_solver, 0);
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULowerJacobiIters(amg_solver, ilu_ljac_iters);
HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUUpperJacobiIters(amg_solver, ilu_ujac_iters);


  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumLevels Enable smoothing in the first num_levels levels of AMG.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUType Set the type of ILU factorization. See HYPRE_ILUSetType.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUMaxIter Set the number of ILU smoother sweeps.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULocalReordering Set the local matrix reordering algorithm.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULevel Set ILUK’s fill level.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUDroptol Set ILUT’s threshold.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUMaxRowNnz Set ILUT’s maximum number of nonzero entries per row.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUTriSolve Set triangular solve method. See HYPRE_ILUSetTriSolve.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULowerJacobiIters Set the number of iterations for the L factor.

  • HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUUpperJacobiIters Same as previous function, but for the U factor.

GPU support

The addition of GPU support to ILU is ongoing work. A few algorithm types have already been fully ported to the CUDA and HIP backends, i.e., both their setup (factorization) and solve phases are executed on the device. Below is a detailed list of which phases (setup and solve) of the various ILU algorithms have been ported to GPUs. In the table, UVM-Setup indicates that the setup phase is executed on the CPU (host); at the same time, the triangular factors are stored in a memory space that is accessible from the GPU (device) via unified memory. This feature must be enabled during hypre’s configuration.



SYCL (Intel GPUs)


Setup and Solve

Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


Setup and Solve

Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve

UVM-Setup and Solve


For better setup performance on GPUs, disable local reordering by passing option zero to HYPRE_ILUSetLocalReordering or HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULocalReordering. This may degrade convergence of the iterative solver.


hypre must be built with cuSPARSE support when running ILU on NVIDIA GPUs, rocSPARSE when running on AMD GPUs, or oneMKL sparse when running on Intel GPUs.