ParCSR Solvers

group ParCSRSolvers

Linear solvers for sparse matrix systems.

These solvers use matrix/vector storage schemes that are taylored for general sparse matrix systems.

ParCSR Solvers

typedef HYPRE_Int (*HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn)(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix, HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector)

The solver object.

typedef HYPRE_Int (*HYPRE_PtrToModifyPCFcn)(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_Int, HYPRE_Real)

ParCSR BoomerAMG Solver and Preconditioner

Parallel unstructured algebraic multigrid solver and preconditioner

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the BoomerAMG solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply AMG as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolveT(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the transpose system \(A^T x = b\) or apply AMG as a preconditioner to the transpose system .

Note that this function should only be used when preconditioning CGNR with BoomerAMG. It can only be used with Jacobi smoothing (relax_type 0 or 7) and without CF smoothing, i.e relax_order needs to be set to 0. If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOldDefault(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Recovers old default for coarsening and interpolation, i.e Falgout coarsening and untruncated modified classical interpolation.

This option might be preferred for 2 dimensional problems.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)

Returns the residual.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)

Returns the number of iterations taken.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGGetCumNnzAP(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *cum_nnz_AP)

Returns cumulative num of nonzeros for A and P operators.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCumNnzAP(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real cum_nnz_AP)

Activates cumulative num of nonzeros for A and P operators.

Needs to be set to a positive number for activation.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *rel_resid_norm)

Returns the norm of the final relative residual.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumFunctions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_functions)

(Optional) Sets the size of the system of PDEs, if using the systems version.

The default is 1, i.e. a scalar system.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDofFunc(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *dof_func)

(Optional) Sets the mapping that assigns the function to each variable, if using the systems version.

If no assignment is made and the number of functions is k > 1, the mapping generated is (0,1,…,k-1,0,1,…,k-1,…).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetConvergeType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int type)

(Optional) Set the type convergence checking 0: (default) norm(r)/norm(b), or norm(r) when b == 0 1: nomr(r) / norm(r_0)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

(Optional) Set the convergence tolerance, if BoomerAMG is used as a solver.

If it is used as a preconditioner, it should be set to 0. The default is 1.e-6.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)

(Optional) Sets maximum number of iterations, if BoomerAMG is used as a solver.

If it is used as a preconditioner, it should be set to 1. The default is 20.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxCoarseSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_coarse_size)

(Optional) Sets maximum size of coarsest grid.

The default is 9.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMinCoarseSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_coarse_size)

(Optional) Sets minimum size of coarsest grid.

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_levels)

(Optional) Sets maximum number of multigrid levels.

The default is 25.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCoarsenCutFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int coarsen_cut_factor)

(Optional) Sets cut factor for choosing isolated points during coarsening according to the rows’ density.

The default is 0. If nnzrow > coarsen_cut_factor*avg_nnzrow, where avg_nnzrow is the average number of nonzeros per row of the global matrix, holds for a given row, it is set as fine, and interpolation weights are not computed.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetStrongThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real strong_threshold)

(Optional) Sets AMG strength threshold.

The default is 0.25. For 2D Laplace operators, 0.25 is a good value, for 3D Laplace operators, 0.5 or 0.6 is a better value. For elasticity problems, a large strength threshold, such as 0.9, is often better.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetStrongThresholdR(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real strong_threshold)

(Optional) The strong threshold for R is strong connections used in building an approximate ideal restriction.

Default value is 0.25.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFilterThresholdR(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real filter_threshold)

(Optional) The filter threshold for R is used to eliminate small entries of the approximate ideal restriction after building it.

Default value is 0.0, which disables filtering.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSCommPkgSwitch(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real S_commpkg_switch)

(Optional) Deprecated.

This routine now has no effect.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxRowSum(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real max_row_sum)

(Optional) Sets a parameter to modify the definition of strength for diagonal dominant portions of the matrix.

The default is 0.9. If max_row_sum is 1, no checking for diagonally dominant rows is performed.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCoarsenType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int coarsen_type)

(Optional) Defines which parallel coarsening algorithm is used.

There are the following options for coarsen_type:

  • 0 : CLJP-coarsening (a parallel coarsening algorithm using independent sets.

  • 1 : classical Ruge-Stueben coarsening on each processor, no boundary treatment (not recommended!)

  • 3 : classical Ruge-Stueben coarsening on each processor, followed by a third pass, which adds coarse points on the boundaries

  • 6 : Falgout coarsening (uses 1 first, followed by CLJP using the interior coarse points generated by 1 as its first independent set)

  • 7 : CLJP-coarsening (using a fixed random vector, for debugging purposes only)

  • 8 : PMIS-coarsening (a parallel coarsening algorithm using independent sets, generating lower complexities than CLJP, might also lead to slower convergence)

  • 9 : PMIS-coarsening (using a fixed random vector, for debugging purposes only)

  • 10 : HMIS-coarsening (uses one pass Ruge-Stueben on each processor independently, followed by PMIS using the interior C-points generated as its first independent set)

  • 11 : one-pass Ruge-Stueben coarsening on each processor, no boundary treatment (not recommended!)

  • 21 : CGC coarsening by M. Griebel, B. Metsch and A. Schweitzer

  • 22 : CGC-E coarsening by M. Griebel, B. Metsch and A.Schweitzer

The default is 10.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNonGalerkinTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real nongalerkin_tol)

(Optional) Defines the non-Galerkin drop-tolerance for sparsifying coarse grid operators and thus reducing communication.

Value specified here is set on all levels. This routine should be used before HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelNonGalerkinTol, which then can be used to change individual levels if desired

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelNonGalerkinTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real nongalerkin_tol, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Defines the level specific non-Galerkin drop-tolerances for sparsifying coarse grid operators and thus reducing communication.

A drop-tolerance of 0.0 means to skip doing non-Galerkin on that level. The maximum drop tolerance for a level is 1.0, although much smaller values such as 0.03 or 0.01 are recommended.

Note that if the user wants to set a specific tolerance on all levels, HYPRE_BooemrAMGSetNonGalerkinTol should be used. Individual levels can then be changed using this routine.

In general, it is safer to drop more aggressively on coarser levels. For instance, one could use 0.0 on the finest level, 0.01 on the second level and then using 0.05 on all remaining levels. The best way to achieve this is to set 0.05 on all levels with HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNonGalerkinTol and then change the tolerance on level 0 to 0.0 and the tolerance on level 1 to 0.01 with HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelNonGalerkinTol. Like many AMG parameters, these drop tolerances can be tuned. It is also common to delay the start of the non-Galerkin process further to a later level than level 1.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • nongalerkin_tol – [IN] level specific drop tolerance

  • level – [IN] level on which drop tolerance is used

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNonGalerkTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nongalerk_num_tol, HYPRE_Real *nongalerk_tol)

(Optional) Defines the non-Galerkin drop-tolerance (old version)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMeasureType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int measure_type)

(Optional) Defines whether local or global measures are used.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggNumLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int agg_num_levels)

(Optional) Defines the number of levels of aggressive coarsening.

The default is 0, i.e. no aggressive coarsening.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumPaths(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_paths)

(Optional) Defines the degree of aggressive coarsening.

The default is 1. Larger numbers lead to less aggressive coarsening.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCGCIts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int its)

(optional) Defines the number of pathes for CGC-coarsening.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNodal(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nodal)

(Optional) Sets whether to use the nodal systems coarsening.

Should be used for linear systems generated from systems of PDEs. The default is 0 (unknown-based coarsening, only coarsens within same function). For the remaining options a nodal matrix is generated by applying a norm to the nodal blocks and applying the coarsening algorithm to this matrix.

  • 1 : Frobenius norm

  • 2 : sum of absolute values of elements in each block

  • 3 : largest element in each block (not absolute value)

  • 4 : row-sum norm

  • 6 : sum of all values in each block

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNodalDiag(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nodal_diag)

(Optional) Sets whether to give special treatment to diagonal elements in the nodal systems version.

The default is 0. If set to 1, the diagonal entry is set to the negative sum of all off diagonal entries. If set to 2, the signs of all diagonal entries are inverted.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetKeepSameSign(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int keep_same_sign)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int interp_type)

(Optional) Defines which parallel interpolation operator is used.

There are the following options for interp_type:

  • 0 : classical modified interpolation

  • 1 : LS interpolation (for use with GSMG)

  • 2 : classical modified interpolation for hyperbolic PDEs

  • 3 : direct interpolation (with separation of weights) (also for GPU use)

  • 4 : multipass interpolation

  • 5 : multipass interpolation (with separation of weights)

  • 6 : extended+i interpolation (also for GPU use)

  • 7 : extended+i (if no common C neighbor) interpolation

  • 8 : standard interpolation

  • 9 : standard interpolation (with separation of weights)

  • 10 : classical block interpolation (for use with nodal systems version only)

  • 11 : classical block interpolation (for use with nodal systems version only) with diagonalized diagonal blocks

  • 12 : FF interpolation

  • 13 : FF1 interpolation

  • 14 : extended interpolation (also for GPU use)

  • 15 : interpolation with adaptive weights (GPU use only)

  • 16 : extended interpolation in matrix-matrix form

  • 17 : extended+i interpolation in matrix-matrix form

  • 18 : extended+e interpolation in matrix-matrix form

The default is ext+i interpolation (interp_type 6) trunctated to at most 4 elements per row. (see HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPMaxElmts).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetTruncFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real trunc_factor)

(Optional) Defines a truncation factor for the interpolation.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPMaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int P_max_elmts)

(Optional) Defines the maximal number of elements per row for the interpolation.

The default is 4. To turn off truncation, it needs to be set to 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSepWeight(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int sep_weight)

(Optional) Defines whether separation of weights is used when defining strength for standard interpolation or multipass interpolation.

Default: 0, i.e. no separation of weights used.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int agg_interp_type)

(Optional) Defines the interpolation used on levels of aggressive coarsening The default is 4, i.e.

multipass interpolation. The following options exist:

  • 1 : 2-stage extended+i interpolation

  • 2 : 2-stage standard interpolation

  • 3 : 2-stage extended interpolation

  • 4 : multipass interpolation

  • 5 : 2-stage extended interpolation in matrix-matrix form

  • 6 : 2-stage extended+i interpolation in matrix-matrix form

  • 7 : 2-stage extended+e interpolation in matrix-matrix form

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggTruncFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real agg_trunc_factor)

(Optional) Defines the truncation factor for the interpolation used for aggressive coarsening.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggP12TruncFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real agg_P12_trunc_factor)

(Optional) Defines the truncation factor for the matrices P1 and P2 which are used to build 2-stage interpolation.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggPMaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int agg_P_max_elmts)

(Optional) Defines the maximal number of elements per row for the interpolation used for aggressive coarsening.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggP12MaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int agg_P12_max_elmts)

(Optional) Defines the maximal number of elements per row for the matrices P1 and P2 which are used to build 2-stage interpolation.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpVectors(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_vectors, HYPRE_ParVector *interp_vectors)

(Optional) Allows the user to incorporate additional vectors into the interpolation for systems AMG, e.g.

rigid body modes for linear elasticity problems. This can only be used in context with nodal coarsening and still requires the user to choose an interpolation.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpVecVariant(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int var)

(Optional) Defines the interpolation variant used for HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpVectors:

  • 1 : GM approach 1

  • 2 : GM approach 2 (to be preferred over 1)

  • 3 : LN approach

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpVecQMax(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int q_max)

(Optional) Defines the maximal elements per row for Q, the additional columns added to the original interpolation matrix P, to reduce complexity.

The default is no truncation.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpVecAbsQTrunc(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real q_trunc)

(Optional) Defines a truncation factor for Q, the additional columns added to the original interpolation matrix P, to reduce complexity.

The default is no truncation.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGSMG(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int gsmg)

(Optional) Specifies the use of GSMG - geometrically smooth coarsening and interpolation.

Currently any nonzero value for gsmg will lead to the use of GSMG. The default is 0, i.e. (GSMG is not used)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumSamples(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_samples)

(Optional) Defines the number of sample vectors used in GSMG or LS interpolation.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCycleType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cycle_type)

(Optional) Defines the type of cycle.

For a V-cycle, set cycle_type to 1, for a W-cycle set cycle_type to 2. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFCycle(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int fcycle)

(Optional) Specifies the use of Full multigrid cycle.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAdditive(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int addlvl)

(Optional) Defines use of an additive V(1,1)-cycle using the classical additive method starting at level ‘addlvl’.

The multiplicative approach is used on levels 0, …’addlvl+1’. ‘addlvl’ needs to be > -1 for this to have an effect. Can only be used with weighted Jacobi and l1-Jacobi(default).

Can only be used when AMG is used as a preconditioner !!!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMultAdditive(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int addlvl)

(Optional) Defines use of an additive V(1,1)-cycle using the mult-additive method starting at level ‘addlvl’.

The multiplicative approach is used on levels 0, …’addlvl+1’. ‘addlvl’ needs to be > -1 for this to have an effect. Can only be used with weighted Jacobi and l1-Jacobi(default).

Can only be used when AMG is used as a preconditioner !!!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSimple(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int addlvl)

(Optional) Defines use of an additive V(1,1)-cycle using the simplified mult-additive method starting at level ‘addlvl’.

The multiplicative approach is used on levels 0, …’addlvl+1’. ‘addlvl’ needs to be > -1 for this to have an effect. Can only be used with weighted Jacobi and l1-Jacobi(default).

Can only be used when AMG is used as a preconditioner !!!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAddLastLvl(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int add_last_lvl)

(Optional) Defines last level where additive, mult-additive or simple cycle is used.

The multiplicative approach is used on levels > add_last_lvl.

Can only be used when AMG is used as a preconditioner !!!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMultAddTruncFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real add_trunc_factor)

(Optional) Defines the truncation factor for the smoothed interpolation used for mult-additive or simple method.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMultAddPMaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int add_P_max_elmts)

(Optional) Defines the maximal number of elements per row for the smoothed interpolation used for mult-additive or simple method.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAddRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int add_rlx_type)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation type used in the (mult)additive cycle portion (also affects simple method.) The default is 18 (L1-Jacobi).

Currently the only other option allowed is 0 (Jacobi) which should be used in combination with HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAddRelaxWt.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAddRelaxWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real add_rlx_wt)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation weight used for Jacobi within the (mult)additive or simple cycle portion.

The default is 1. The weight only affects the Jacobi method, and has no effect on L1-Jacobi

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSeqThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int seq_threshold)

(Optional) Sets maximal size for agglomeration or redundant coarse grid solve.

When the system is smaller than this threshold, sequential AMG is used on process 0 or on all remaining active processes (if redundant = 1 ).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRedundant(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int redundant)

(Optional) operates switch for redundancy.

Needs to be used with HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSeqThreshold. Default is 0, i.e. no redundancy.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumGridSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_grid_sweeps)

(Optional) Defines the number of sweeps for the fine and coarse grid, the up and down cycle.

Note: This routine will be phased out!!!! Use HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumSweeps or HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCycleNumSweeps instead.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_sweeps)

(Optional) Sets the number of sweeps.

On the finest level, the up and the down cycle the number of sweeps are set to num_sweeps and on the coarsest level to 1. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCycleNumSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_sweeps, HYPRE_Int k)

(Optional) Sets the number of sweeps at a specified cycle.

There are the following options for k:

  • 1 : the down cycle

  • 2 : the up cycle

  • 3 : the coarsest level

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGridRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *grid_relax_type)

(Optional) Defines which smoother is used on the fine and coarse grid, the up and down cycle.

Note: This routine will be phased out!!!! Use HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxType or HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCycleRelaxType instead.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type)

(Optional) Defines the smoother to be used.

It uses the given smoother on the fine grid, the up and the down cycle and sets the solver on the coarsest level to Gaussian elimination (9). The default is \(\ell_1\)-Gauss-Seidel, forward solve (13) on the down cycle and backward solve (14) on the up cycle.

There are the following options for relax_type:

  • 0 : Jacobi

  • 1 : Gauss-Seidel, sequential (very slow!)

  • 2 : Gauss-Seidel, interior points in parallel, boundary sequential (slow!)

  • 3 : hybrid Gauss-Seidel or SOR, forward solve

  • 4 : hybrid Gauss-Seidel or SOR, backward solve

  • 5 : hybrid chaotic Gauss-Seidel (works only with OpenMP)

  • 6 : hybrid symmetric Gauss-Seidel or SSOR

  • 7 : Jacobi (uses Matvec)

  • 8 : \(\ell_1\)-scaled hybrid symmetric Gauss-Seidel

  • 9 : Gaussian elimination (only on coarsest level)

  • 10 : On-processor direct forward solve for matrices with triangular structure

  • 11 : Two Stage approximation to GS. Uses the strict lower part of the diagonal matrix

  • 12 : Two Stage approximation to GS. Uses the strict lower part of the diagonal matrix and a second iteration for additional error approximation

  • 13 : \(\ell_1\) Gauss-Seidel, forward solve

  • 14 : \(\ell_1\) Gauss-Seidel, backward solve

  • 15 : CG (warning - not a fixed smoother - may require FGMRES)

  • 16 : Chebyshev

  • 17 : FCF-Jacobi

  • 18 : \(\ell_1\)-scaled jacobi

  • 19 : Gaussian elimination (old version)

  • 21 : The same as 8 except forcing serialization on CPU (#OMP-thread = 1)

  • 29 : Direct solve: use Gaussian elimination & BLAS (with pivoting) (old version)

  • 30 : Kaczmarz

  • 88: The same methods as 8 with a convergent l1-term

  • 89: Symmetric l1-hybrid Gauss-Seidel (i.e., 13 followed by 14)

  • 98 : LU with pivoting

  • 99 : LU with pivoting -199 : Matvec with the inverse

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCycleRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type, HYPRE_Int k)

(Optional) Defines the smoother at a given cycle.

For options of relax_type see description of HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxType. In addition, the following options for relax_type are available when choosing the coarsest level solver (k = 3):

For coarsest level systems formed via a sub-communicator defined with active ranks:

  • 9 : hypre’s internal Gaussian elimination (host only).

  • 99 : LU factorization with pivoting.

  • 199 : explicit (dense) inverse.

For coarsest level systems formed via hypre_DataExchangeList:

  • 19 : hypre’s internal Gaussian elimination (host only).

  • 98 : LU factorization with pivoting.

  • 198 : explicit (dense) inverse.

Options for k are

  • 1 : the down cycle

  • 2 : the up cycle

  • 3 : the coarsest level

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxOrder(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_order)

(Optional) Defines in which order the points are relaxed.

There are the following options for relax_order:

  • 0 : the points are relaxed in natural or lexicographic order on each processor

  • 1 : CF-relaxation is used, i.e on the fine grid and the down cycle the coarse points are relaxed first, followed by the fine points; on the up cycle the F-points are relaxed first, followed by the C-points. On the coarsest level, if an iterative scheme is used, the points are relaxed in lexicographic order.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGridRelaxPoints(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int **grid_relax_points)

(Optional) Defines in which order the points are relaxed.

See also HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxOrder.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWeight(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *relax_weight)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation weight for smoothed Jacobi and hybrid SOR.

Note: This routine will be phased out!!!! Use HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWt or HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelRelaxWt instead.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real relax_weight)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation weight for smoothed Jacobi and hybrid SOR on all levels.

Values for relax_weight are

  • > 0 : this assigns the given relaxation weight on all levels

  • = 0 : the weight is determined on each level with the estimate \(3 \over {4\|D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}\|}\), where \(D\) is the diagonal of \(A\) (this should only be used with Jacobi)

  • = -k : the relaxation weight is determined with at most k CG steps on each level (this should only be used for symmetric positive definite problems)

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelRelaxWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real relax_weight, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation weight for smoothed Jacobi and hybrid SOR on the user defined level.

Note that the finest level is denoted 0, the next coarser level 1, etc. For nonpositive relax_weight, the parameter is determined on the given level as described for HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWt. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOmega(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *omega)

(Optional) Defines the outer relaxation weight for hybrid SOR.

Note: This routine will be phased out!!!! Use HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOuterWt or HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelOuterWt instead.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOuterWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real omega)

(Optional) Defines the outer relaxation weight for hybrid SOR and SSOR on all levels.

Values for omega are

  • > 0 : this assigns the same outer relaxation weight omega on each level

  • = -k : an outer relaxation weight is determined with at most k CG steps on each level (this only makes sense for symmetric positive definite problems and smoothers such as SSOR)

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevelOuterWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real omega, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Defines the outer relaxation weight for hybrid SOR or SSOR on the user defined level.

Note that the finest level is denoted 0, the next coarser level 1, etc. For nonpositive omega, the parameter is determined on the given level as described for HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOuterWt. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetChebyOrder(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int order)

(Optional) Defines the Order for Chebyshev smoother.

The default is 2 (valid options are 1-4).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetChebyFraction(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real ratio)

(Optional) Fraction of the spectrum to use for the Chebyshev smoother.

The default is .3 (i.e., damp on upper 30% of the spectrum).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetChebyScale(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int scale)

(Optional) Defines whether matrix should be scaled.

The default is 1 (i.e., scaled).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetChebyVariant(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int variant)

(Optional) Defines which polynomial variant should be used.

The default is 0 (i.e., scaled).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetChebyEigEst(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eig_est)

(Optional) Defines how to estimate eigenvalues.

The default is 10 (i.e., 10 CG iterations are used to find extreme eigenvalues.) If eig_est=0, the largest eigenvalue is estimated using Gershgorin, the smallest is set to 0. If eig_est is a positive number n, n iterations of CG are used to determine the smallest and largest eigenvalue.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int smooth_type)

(Optional) Enables the use of more complex smoothers.

The following options exist for smooth_type:

  • 4 : FSAI (routines needed to set: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIMaxSteps, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIMaxStepSize, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIEigMaxIters, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIKapTolerance)

  • 5 : ParILUK (routines needed to set: HYPRE_ILUSetLevelOfFill, HYPRE_ILUSetType)

  • 6 : Schwarz (routines needed to set: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDomainType, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOverlap, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetVariant, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSchwarzRlxWeight)

  • 7 : Pilut (routines needed to set: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDropTol, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxNzPerRow)

  • 8 : ParaSails (routines needed to set: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSym, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevel, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFilter, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetThreshold)

  • 9 : Euclid (routines needed to set: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetEuclidFile)

The default is 6. Also, if no smoother parameters are set via the routines mentioned in the table above, default values are used.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int smooth_num_levels)

(Optional) Sets the number of levels for more complex smoothers.

The smoothers, as defined by HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothType, will be used on level 0 (the finest level) through level smooth_num_levels-1. The default is 0, i.e. no complex smoothers are used.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int smooth_num_sweeps)

(Optional) Sets the number of sweeps for more complex smoothers.

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetVariant(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int variant)

(Optional) Defines which variant of the Schwarz method is used.

The following options exist for variant:

  • 0 : hybrid multiplicative Schwarz method (no overlap across processor boundaries)

  • 1 : hybrid additive Schwarz method (no overlap across processor boundaries)

  • 2 : additive Schwarz method

  • 3 : hybrid multiplicative Schwarz method (with overlap across processor boundaries)

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOverlap(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int overlap)

(Optional) Defines the overlap for the Schwarz method.

The following options exist for overlap:

  • 0 : no overlap

  • 1 : minimal overlap (default)

  • 2 : overlap generated by including all neighbors of domain boundaries

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDomainType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int domain_type)

(Optional) Defines the type of domain used for the Schwarz method.

The following options exist for domain_type:

  • 0 : each point is a domain

  • 1 : each node is a domain (only of interest in “systems” AMG)

  • 2 : each domain is generated by agglomeration (default)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSchwarzRlxWeight(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real schwarz_rlx_weight)

(Optional) Defines a smoothing parameter for the additive Schwarz method.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSchwarzUseNonSymm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int use_nonsymm)

(Optional) Indicates that the aggregates may not be SPD for the Schwarz method.

The following options exist for use_nonsymm:

  • 0 : assume SPD (default)

  • 1 : assume non-symmetric

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSym(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int sym)

(Optional) Defines symmetry for ParaSAILS.

For further explanation see description of ParaSAILS.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Defines number of levels for ParaSAILS.

For further explanation see description of ParaSAILS.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real threshold)

(Optional) Defines threshold for ParaSAILS.

For further explanation see description of ParaSAILS.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFilter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real filter)

(Optional) Defines filter for ParaSAILS.

For further explanation see description of ParaSAILS.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDropTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real drop_tol)

(Optional) Defines drop tolerance for PILUT.

For further explanation see description of PILUT.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxNzPerRow(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_nz_per_row)

(Optional) Defines maximal number of nonzeros for PILUT.

For further explanation see description of PILUT.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetEuclidFile(HYPRE_Solver solver, char *euclidfile)

(Optional) Defines name of an input file for Euclid parameters.

For further explanation see description of Euclid.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetEuLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eu_level)

(Optional) Defines number of levels for ILU(k) in Euclid.

For further explanation see description of Euclid.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetEuSparseA(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real eu_sparse_A)

(Optional) Defines filter for ILU(k) for Euclid.

For further explanation see description of Euclid.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetEuBJ(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eu_bj)

(Optional) Defines use of block jacobi ILUT for Euclid.

For further explanation see description of Euclid.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_type)

Defines type of ILU smoother to use For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_lfil)

Defines level k for ILU(k) smoother For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUMaxRowNnz(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_max_row_nnz)

Defines max row nonzeros for ILUT smoother For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_max_iter)

Defines number of iterations for ILU smoother on each level For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUDroptol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real ilu_droptol)

Defines drop tolorance for iLUT smoother For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUTriSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_tri_solve)

(Optional) Defines triangular solver for ILU(k,T) smoother: 0-iterative, 1-direct (default) For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULowerJacobiIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_lower_jacobi_iters)

(Optional) Defines number of lower Jacobi iterations for ILU(k,T) smoother triangular solve.

For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUUpperJacobiIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_upper_jacobi_iters)

(Optional) Defines number of upper Jacobi iterations for ILU(k,T) smoother triangular solve.

For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILULocalReordering(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_reordering_type)

(Optional) Set Local Reordering paramter (1==RCM, 0==None) For further explanation see description of ILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUIterSetupType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_iter_setup_type)

(Optional) Set iterative ILU’s algorithm type.

For further explanation see HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupType.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUIterSetupOption(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_iter_setup_option)

(Optional) Set iterative ILU’s option.

For further explanation see HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupOption.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUIterSetupMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_iter_setup_max_iter)

(Optional) Set iterative ILU’s max.

number of iterations. For further explanation see HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupMaxIter.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetILUIterSetupTolerance(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real ilu_iter_setup_tolerance)

(Optional) Set iterative ILU’s tolerance.

For further explanation see HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupTolerance.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIAlgoType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int algo_type)

(Optional) Defines the algorithm type for setting up FSAI For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetAlgoType.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAILocalSolveType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int local_solve_type)

(Optional) Sets the solver type for solving local linear systems in FSAI.

For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetLocalSolveType.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIMaxSteps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_steps)

(Optional) Defines maximum number of steps for FSAI.

For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetMaxSteps.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIMaxStepSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_step_size)

(Optional) Defines maximum step size for FSAI.

For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetMaxStepSize.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIMaxNnzRow(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_nnz_row)

(Optional) Defines maximum number of nonzero entries per row for FSAI.

For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetMaxNnzRow.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAINumLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_levels)

(Optional) Defines number of levels for computing the candidate pattern for FSAI For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetNumLevels.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real threshold)

(Optional) Defines the threshold for computing the candidate pattern for FSAI For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetThreshold.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIEigMaxIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eig_max_iters)

(Optional) Defines maximum number of iterations for estimating the largest eigenvalue of the FSAI preconditioned matrix (G^T * G * A).

For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetEigMaxIters.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFSAIKapTolerance(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real kap_tolerance)

(Optional) Defines the kaporin dropping tolerance.

For further explanation see HYPRE_FSAISetKapTolerance.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRestriction(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int restr_par)

(Optional) Defines which parallel restriction operator is used.

There are the following options for restr_type:

  • 0 : \(P^T\) - Transpose of the interpolation operator

  • 1 : AIR-1 - Approximate Ideal Restriction (distance 1)

  • 2 : AIR-2 - Approximate Ideal Restriction (distance 2)

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetIsTriangular(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int is_triangular)

(Optional) Assumes the matrix is triangular in some ordering to speed up the setup time of approximate ideal restriction.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGMRESSwitchR(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int gmres_switch)

(Optional) Set local problem size at which GMRES is used over a direct solve in approximating ideal restriction.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetADropTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real A_drop_tol)

(Optional) Defines the drop tolerance for the A-matrices from the 2nd level of AMG.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetADropType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int A_drop_type)

(Optional) Drop the entries that are not on the diagonal and smaller than its row norm: type 1: 1-norm, 2: 2-norm, -1: infinity norm

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPrintFileName(HYPRE_Solver solver, const char *print_file_name)

(Optional) Name of file to which BoomerAMG will print; cf HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPrintLevel.

(Presently this is ignored).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Requests automatic printing of setup and solve information.

  • 0 : no printout (default)

  • 1 : print setup information

  • 2 : print solve information

  • 3 : print both setup and solve information

Note, that if one desires to print information and uses BoomerAMG as a preconditioner, suggested print_level is 1 to avoid excessive output, and use print_level of solver for solve phase information.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

(Optional) Requests additional computations for diagnostic and similar data to be logged by the user.

Default to 0 to do nothing. The latest residual will be available if logging > 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDebugFlag(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int debug_flag)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGInitGridRelaxation(HYPRE_Int **num_grid_sweeps_ptr, HYPRE_Int **grid_relax_type_ptr, HYPRE_Int ***grid_relax_points_ptr, HYPRE_Int coarsen_type, HYPRE_Real **relax_weights_ptr, HYPRE_Int max_levels)

(Optional) This routine will be eliminated in the future.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRAP2(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int rap2)

(Optional) If rap2 not equal 0, the triple matrix product RAP is replaced by two matrix products.

(Required for triple matrix product generation on GPUs)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetModuleRAP2(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int mod_rap2)

(Optional) If mod_rap2 not equal 0, the triple matrix product RAP is replaced by two matrix products with modularized kernels (Required for triple matrix product generation on GPUs)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetKeepTranspose(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int keepTranspose)

(Optional) If set to 1, the local interpolation transposes will be saved to use more efficient matvecs instead of matvecTs (Recommended for efficient use on GPUs)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPlotGrids(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int plotgrids)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPlotFileName(HYPRE_Solver solver, const char *plotfilename)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCoordDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int coorddim)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCoordinates(HYPRE_Solver solver, float *coordinates)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGGetGridHierarchy(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *cgrid)

(Optional) Get the coarse grid hierarchy.

Assumes input/ output array is preallocated to the size of the local matrix. On return, cgrid[i] returns the last grid level containing node i.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner

  • cgrid – [IN/ OUT] preallocated array. On return, contains grid hierarchy info.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCPoints(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cpt_coarse_level, HYPRE_Int num_cpt_coarse, HYPRE_BigInt *cpt_coarse_index)

(Optional) Fix C points to be kept till a specified coarse level.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner

  • cpt_coarse_level – [IN] coarse level up to which to keep C points

  • num_cpt_coarse – [IN] number of C points to be kept

  • cpt_coarse_index – [IN] indexes of C points to be kept

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCpointsToKeep(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cpt_coarse_level, HYPRE_Int num_cpt_coarse, HYPRE_BigInt *cpt_coarse_index)

(Optional) Deprecated function.

Use HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCPoints instead.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetFPoints(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_fpt, HYPRE_BigInt *fpt_index)

(Optional) Set fine points in the first level.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner

  • num_fpt – [IN] number of fine points

  • fpt_index – [IN] global indices of fine points

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetIsolatedFPoints(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_isolated_fpt, HYPRE_BigInt *isolated_fpt_index)

(Optional) Set isolated fine points in the first level.

Interpolation weights are not computed for these points.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner

  • num_isolated_fpt – [IN] number of isolated fine points

  • isolated_fpt_index – [IN] global indices of isolated fine points

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSabs(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int Sabs)

(Optional) if Sabs equals 1, the strength of connection test is based on the absolute value of the matrix coefficients

ParCSR BoomerAMGDD Solver and Preconditioner

Communication reducing solver and preconditioner built on top of algebraic multigrid

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the BoomerAMGDD solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply AMG-DD as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetFACNumRelax(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int amgdd_fac_num_relax)

(Optional) Set the number of pre- and post-relaxations per level for AMG-DD inner FAC cycles.

Default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetFACNumCycles(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int amgdd_fac_num_cycles)

(Optional) Set the number of inner FAC cycles per AMG-DD iteration.

Default is 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetFACCycleType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int amgdd_fac_cycle_type)

(Optional) Set the cycle type for the AMG-DD inner FAC cycles.

1 (default) = V-cycle, 2 = W-cycle, 3 = F-cycle

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetFACRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int amgdd_fac_relax_type)

(Optional) Set the relaxation type for the AMG-DD inner FAC cycles.

0 = Jacobi, 1 = Gauss-Seidel, 2 = ordered Gauss-Seidel, 3 (default) = C/F L1-scaled Jacobi

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetFACRelaxWeight(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real amgdd_fac_relax_weight)

(Optional) Set the relaxation weight for the AMG-DD inner FAC cycles.

Default is 1.0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetStartLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int start_level)

(Optional) Set the AMG-DD start level.

Default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetPadding(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int padding)

(Optional) Set the AMG-DD padding.

Default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetNumGhostLayers(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_ghost_layers)

(Optional) Set the AMG-DD number of ghost layers.

Default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDSetUserFACRelaxation(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int (*userFACRelaxation)(void *amgdd_vdata, HYPRE_Int level, HYPRE_Int cycle_param))

(Optional) Pass a custom user-defined function as a relaxation method for the AMG-DD FAC cycles.

Function should have the following form, where amgdd_solver is of type hypre_ParAMGDDData* and level is the level on which to relax: HYPRE_Int userFACRelaxation( HYPRE_Solver amgdd_solver, HYPRE_Int level )

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDGetAMG(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *amg_solver)

(Optional) Get the underlying AMG hierarchy as a HYPRE_Solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *rel_resid_norm)

Returns the norm of the final relative residual.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGDDGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)

Returns the number of iterations taken.

ParCSR FSAI Solver and Preconditioner

An adaptive factorized sparse approximate inverse solver/preconditioner/smoother that computes a sparse approximation G to the inverse of the lower cholesky factor of A such that M^{-1} \approx G^T * G.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAICreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAIDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the FSAI solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply FSAI as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetAlgoType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int algo_type)

(Optional) Sets the algorithm type used to compute the lower triangular factor G

 - 1: Adaptive (can use OpenMP with static scheduling)
 - 2: Adaptive OpenMP with dynamic scheduling
 - 3: Static - power pattern
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetLocalSolveType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int local_solve_type)

(Optional) Sets the solver type for solving local linear systems in FSAI.

This option makes sense only for GPU runs.

 - 0: Gauss-Jordan solver
 - 1: Vendor solver (cuSOLVER/rocSOLVER)
 - 2: MAGMA solver

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetMaxSteps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_steps)

(Optional) Sets the maximum number of steps for computing the sparsity pattern of G.

This input parameter makes sense when using adaptive FSAI, i.e., algorithm type 1 or 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetMaxStepSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_step_size)

(Optional) Sets the maximum step size for computing the sparsity pattern of G.

This input parameter makes sense when using adaptive FSAI, i.e., algorithm type 1 or 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetMaxNnzRow(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_nnz_row)

(Optional) Sets the maximum number of off-diagonal entries per row of G.

This input parameter makes sense when using static FSAI, i.e., algorithm type 3.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetNumLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_levels)

(Optional) Sets the number of levels for computing the candidate pattern of G.

This input parameter must be a positive integer and it makes sense when using static FSAI, i.e., algorithm type 3.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real threshold)

(Optional) Sets the threshold for computing the candidate pattern of G This input parameter makes sense when using static FSAI, i.e., algorithm type 3.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetKapTolerance(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real kap_tolerance)

(Optional) Sets the kaporin gradient reduction factor for computing the sparsity pattern of G.

This input parameter makes sense when using adaptive FSAI, i.e., algorithm types 1 or 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetOmega(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real omega)

(Optional) Sets the relaxation factor for FSAI.

This input parameter makes sense to all algorithm types for setting up FSAI.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetMaxIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iterations)

(Optional) Sets the maximum number of iterations (sweeps) for FSAI.

This input parameter makes sense to all algorithm types for setting up FSAI.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetEigMaxIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eig_max_iters)

(Optional) Set number of iterations for computing maximum eigenvalue of the preconditioned operator.

This input parameter makes sense to all algorithm types for setting up FSAI.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetTolerance(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tolerance)

(Optional) Set the convergence tolerance, if FSAI is used as a solver.

This input parameter makes sense to all algorithm types for setting up FSAI. When using FSAI as a preconditioner, set the tolerance to 0.0. The default is \(10^{-6}\).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Requests automatic printing of setup information.

  • 0 : no printout (default)

  • 1 : print setup information

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_FSAISetZeroGuess(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int zero_guess)

(Optional) Use a zero initial guess.

This allows the solver to cut corners in the case where a zero initial guess is needed (e.g., for preconditioning) to reduce compuational cost.

ParCSR ParaSails Preconditioner

Parallel sparse approximate inverse preconditioner for the ParCSR matrix format.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a ParaSails preconditioner.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a ParaSails preconditioner.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the ParaSails preconditioner.

This function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object to set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Apply the ParaSails preconditioner.

This function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object to apply.

  • A – Ignored by this function.

  • b – [IN] Vector to precondition.

  • x – [OUT] Preconditioned vector.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetParams(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real thresh, HYPRE_Int nlevels)

Set the threshold and levels parameter for the ParaSails preconditioner.

The accuracy and cost of ParaSails are parameterized by these two parameters. Lower values of the threshold parameter and higher values of levels parameter lead to more accurate, but more expensive preconditioners.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object for which to set parameters.

  • thresh – [IN] Value of threshold parameter, \(0 \le\) thresh \(\le 1\). The default value is 0.1.

  • nlevels – [IN] Value of levels parameter, \(0 \le\) nlevels. The default value is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetFilter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real filter)

Set the filter parameter for the ParaSails preconditioner.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object for which to set filter parameter.

  • filter – [IN] Value of filter parameter. The filter parameter is used to drop small nonzeros in the preconditioner, to reduce the cost of applying the preconditioner. Values from 0.05 to 0.1 are recommended. The default value is 0.1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetSym(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int sym)

Set the symmetry parameter for the ParaSails preconditioner.

Values for sym

  • 0 : nonsymmetric and/or indefinite problem, and nonsymmetric preconditioner

  • 1 : SPD problem, and SPD (factored) preconditioner

  • 2 : nonsymmetric, definite problem, and SPD (factored) preconditioner

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object for which to set symmetry parameter.

  • sym – [IN] Symmetry parameter.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetLoadbal(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real loadbal)

Set the load balance parameter for the ParaSails preconditioner.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object for which to set the load balance parameter.

  • loadbal – [IN] Value of the load balance parameter, \(0 \le\) loadbal \(\le 1\). A zero value indicates that no load balance is attempted; a value of unity indicates that perfect load balance will be attempted. The recommended value is 0.9 to balance the overhead of data exchanges for load balancing. No load balancing is needed if the preconditioner is very sparse and fast to construct. The default value when this parameter is not set is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetReuse(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int reuse)

Set the pattern reuse parameter for the ParaSails preconditioner.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object for which to set the pattern reuse parameter.

  • reuse – [IN] Value of the pattern reuse parameter. A nonzero value indicates that the pattern of the preconditioner should be reused for subsequent constructions of the preconditioner. A zero value indicates that the preconditioner should be constructed from scratch. The default value when this parameter is not set is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

Set the logging parameter for the ParaSails preconditioner.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object for which to set the logging parameter.

  • logging – [IN] Value of the logging parameter. A nonzero value sends statistics of the setup procedure to stdout. The default value when this parameter is not set is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParaSailsBuildIJMatrix(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_IJMatrix *pij_A)

Build IJ Matrix of the sparse approximate inverse (factor).

This function explicitly creates the IJ Matrix corresponding to the sparse approximate inverse or the inverse factor. Example: HYPRE_IJMatrix ij_A; HYPRE_ParaSailsBuildIJMatrix(solver, &ij_A);

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object.

  • pij_A – [OUT] Pointer to the IJ Matrix.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetParams(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real thresh, HYPRE_Int nlevels)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetFilter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real filter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetSym(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int sym)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetLoadbal(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real loadbal)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetReuse(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int reuse)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

ParCSR Euclid Preconditioner

MPI Parallel ILU preconditioner

Options summary:






ILU(k) factorization level


0 (false)

Use Block Jacobi ILU instead of PILU


0 (false)

Print internal timing and statistics


0 (false)

Print internal memory usage

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a Euclid object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a Euclid object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the Euclid preconditioner.

This function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object to set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Apply the Euclid preconditioner.

This function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] Preconditioner object to apply.

  • A – Ignored by this function.

  • b – [IN] Vector to precondition.

  • x – [OUT] Preconditioned vector.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetParams(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int argc, char *argv[])

Insert (name, value) pairs in Euclid’s options database by passing Euclid the command line (or an array of strings).

All Euclid options (e.g, level, drop-tolerance) are stored in this database. If a (name, value) pair already exists, this call updates the value. See also: HYPRE_EuclidSetParamsFromFile.

  • argc – [IN] Length of argv array

  • argv – [IN] Array of strings

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetParamsFromFile(HYPRE_Solver solver, char *filename)

Insert (name, value) pairs in Euclid’s options database.

Each line of the file should either begin with a “\#”, indicating a comment line, or contain a (name value) pair, e.g:

>cat optionsFile
\#sample runtime parameter file
-blockJacobi 3
-matFile     /home/hysom/myfile.euclid
-doSomething true
-xx_coeff -1.0

See also: HYPRE_EuclidSetParams.


filename[IN] – Pathname/filename to read

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int level)

Set level k for ILU(k) factorization, default: 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetBJ(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int bj)

Use block Jacobi ILU preconditioning instead of PILU.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetStats(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eu_stats)

If eu_stats not equal 0, a summary of runtime settings and timing information is printed to stdout.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetMem(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int eu_mem)

If eu_mem not equal 0, a summary of Euclid’s memory usage is printed to stdout.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetSparseA(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real sparse_A)

Defines a drop tolerance for ILU(k).

Default: 0 Use with HYPRE_EuclidSetRowScale. Note that this can destroy symmetry in a matrix.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetRowScale(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int row_scale)

If row_scale not equal 0, values are scaled prior to factorization so that largest value in any row is +1 or -1.

Note that this can destroy symmetry in a matrix.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_EuclidSetILUT(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real drop_tol)

uses ILUT and defines a drop tolerance relative to the largest absolute value of any entry in the row being factored.

ParCSR Pilut Preconditioner

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a preconditioner object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a preconditioner object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Precondition the system.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)

(Optional) Set maximum number of iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetDropTolerance(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetFactorRowSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int size)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

ParCSR AMS Solver and Preconditioner

Parallel auxiliary space Maxwell solver and preconditioner

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create an AMS solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy an AMS solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the AMS solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply AMS as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetDimension(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int dim)

(Optional) Sets the problem dimension (2 or 3).

The default is 3.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetDiscreteGradient(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix G)

Sets the discrete gradient matrix G.

This function should be called before HYPRE_AMSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetCoordinateVectors(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector x, HYPRE_ParVector y, HYPRE_ParVector z)

Sets the x, y and z coordinates of the vertices in the mesh.

Either HYPRE_AMSSetCoordinateVectors() or HYPRE_AMSSetEdgeConstantVectors() should be called before HYPRE_AMSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetEdgeConstantVectors(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector Gx, HYPRE_ParVector Gy, HYPRE_ParVector Gz)

Sets the vectors Gx, Gy and Gz which give the representations of the constant vector fields (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1) in the edge element basis.

Either HYPRE_AMSSetCoordinateVectors() or HYPRE_AMSSetEdgeConstantVectors() should be called before HYPRE_AMSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetInterpolations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix Pi, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix Pix, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix Piy, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix Piz)

(Optional) Set the (components of) the Nedelec interpolation matrix \(\Pi = [ \Pi^x, \Pi^y, \Pi^z ]\).

This function is generally intended to be used only for high-order Nedelec discretizations (in the lowest order case, \(\Pi\) is constructed internally in AMS from the discreet gradient matrix and the coordinates of the vertices), though it can also be used in the lowest-order case or for other types of discretizations (e.g. ones based on the second family of Nedelec elements).

By definition, \(\Pi\) is the matrix representation of the linear operator that interpolates (high-order) vector nodal finite elements into the (high-order) Nedelec space. The component matrices are defined as \(\Pi^x \varphi = \Pi (\varphi,0,0)\) and similarly for \(\Pi^y\) and \(\Pi^z\). Note that all these operators depend on the choice of the basis and degrees of freedom in the high-order spaces.

The column numbering of Pi should be node-based, i.e. the \(x\)/ \(y\)/ \(z\) components of the first node (vertex or high-order dof) should be listed first, followed by the \(x\)/ \(y\)/ \(z\) components of the second node and so on (see the documentation of HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDofFunc).

If used, this function should be called before HYPRE_AMSSetup() and there is no need to provide the vertex coordinates. Furthermore, only one of the sets \(\{\Pi\}\) and \(\{\Pi^x,\Pi^y,\Pi^z\}\) needs to be specified (though it is OK to provide both). If Pix is NULL, then scalar \(\Pi\)-based AMS cycles, i.e. those with cycle_type > 10, will be unavailable. Similarly, AMS cycles based on monolithic \(\Pi\) (cycle_type < 10) require that Pi is not NULL.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetAlphaPoissonMatrix(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_alpha)

(Optional) Sets the matrix \(A_\alpha\) corresponding to the Poisson problem with coefficient \(\alpha\) (the curl-curl term coefficient in the Maxwell problem).

If this function is called, the coarse space solver on the range of \(\Pi^T\) is a block-diagonal version of \(A_\Pi\). If this function is not called, the coarse space solver on the range of \(\Pi^T\) is constructed as \(\Pi^T A \Pi\) in HYPRE_AMSSetup(). See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetBetaPoissonMatrix(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_beta)

(Optional) Sets the matrix \(A_\beta\) corresponding to the Poisson problem with coefficient \(\beta\) (the mass term coefficient in the Maxwell problem).

If not given, the Poisson matrix will be computed in HYPRE_AMSSetup(). If the given matrix is NULL, we assume that \(\beta\) is identically 0 and use two-level (instead of three-level) methods. See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetInteriorNodes(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector interior_nodes)

(Optional) Set the list of nodes which are interior to a zero-conductivity region.

This way, a more robust solver is constructed, that can be iterated to lower tolerance levels. A node is interior if its entry in the array is 1.0. This function should be called before HYPRE_AMSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetProjectionFrequency(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int projection_frequency)

(Optional) Set the frequency at which a projection onto the compatible subspace for problems with zero-conductivity regions is performed.

The default value is 5.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int maxit)

(Optional) Sets maximum number of iterations, if AMS is used as a solver.

To use AMS as a preconditioner, set the maximum number of iterations to 1. The default is 20.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

(Optional) Set the convergence tolerance, if AMS is used as a solver.

When using AMS as a preconditioner, set the tolerance to 0.0. The default is \(10^{-6}\).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetCycleType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cycle_type)

(Optional) Choose which three-level solver to use.

Possible values are:

  • 1 : 3-level multiplicative solver (01210)

  • 2 : 3-level additive solver (0+1+2)

  • 3 : 3-level multiplicative solver (02120)

  • 4 : 3-level additive solver (010+2)

  • 5 : 3-level multiplicative solver (0102010)

  • 6 : 3-level additive solver (1+020)

  • 7 : 3-level multiplicative solver (0201020)

  • 8 : 3-level additive solver (0(1+2)0)

  • 11 : 5-level multiplicative solver (013454310)

  • 12 : 5-level additive solver (0+1+3+4+5)

  • 13 : 5-level multiplicative solver (034515430)

  • 14 : 5-level additive solver (01(3+4+5)10)

The default is 1. See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Control how much information is printed during the solution iterations.

The default is 1 (print residual norm at each step).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetSmoothingOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type, HYPRE_Int relax_times, HYPRE_Real relax_weight, HYPRE_Real omega)

(Optional) Sets relaxation parameters for \(A\).

The defaults are 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0.

The available options for relax_type are:

  • 1 : \(\ell_1\)-scaled Jacobi

  • 2 : \(\ell_1\)-scaled block symmetric Gauss-Seidel/SSOR

  • 3 : Kaczmarz

  • 4 : truncated version of \(\ell_1\)-scaled block symmetric Gauss-Seidel/SSOR

  • 16 : Chebyshev

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetAlphaAMGOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int alpha_coarsen_type, HYPRE_Int alpha_agg_levels, HYPRE_Int alpha_relax_type, HYPRE_Real alpha_strength_threshold, HYPRE_Int alpha_interp_type, HYPRE_Int alpha_Pmax)

(Optional) Sets AMG parameters for \(B_\Pi\).

The defaults are 10, 1, 3, 0.25, 0, 0. See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetAlphaAMGCoarseRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int alpha_coarse_relax_type)

(Optional) Sets the coarsest level relaxation in the AMG solver for \(B_\Pi\).

The default is 8 (l1-GS). Use 9, 19, 29 or 99 for a direct solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetBetaAMGOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int beta_coarsen_type, HYPRE_Int beta_agg_levels, HYPRE_Int beta_relax_type, HYPRE_Real beta_strength_threshold, HYPRE_Int beta_interp_type, HYPRE_Int beta_Pmax)

(Optional) Sets AMG parameters for \(B_G\).

The defaults are 10, 1, 3, 0.25, 0, 0. See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSSetBetaAMGCoarseRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int beta_coarse_relax_type)

(Optional) Sets the coarsest level relaxation in the AMG solver for \(B_G\).

The default is 8 (l1-GS). Use 9, 19, 29 or 99 for a direct solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)

Returns the number of iterations taken.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *rel_resid_norm)

Returns the norm of the final relative residual.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSProjectOutGradients(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector x)

For problems with zero-conductivity regions, project the vector onto the compatible subspace: \(x = (I - G_0 (G_0^t G_0)^{-1} G_0^T) x\), where \(G_0\) is the discrete gradient restricted to the interior nodes of the regions with zero conductivity.

This ensures that x is orthogonal to the gradients in the range of \(G_0\).

This function is typically called after the solution iteration is complete, in order to facilitate the visualization of the computed field. Without it the values in the zero-conductivity regions contain kernel components.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_AMSConstructDiscreteGradient(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector x_coord, HYPRE_BigInt *edge_vertex, HYPRE_Int edge_orientation, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix *G)

Construct and return the lowest-order discrete gradient matrix G using some edge and vertex information.

We assume that edge_vertex lists the edge vertices consecutively, and that the orientation of all edges is consistent.

If edge_orientation = 1, the edges are already oriented.

If edge_orientation = 2, the orientation of edge i depends only on the sign of edge_vertex[2*i+1] - edge_vertex[2*i].

ParCSR ADS Solver and Preconditioner

Parallel auxiliary space divergence solver and preconditioner

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create an ADS solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy an ADS solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Set up the ADS solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply ADS as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetDiscreteCurl(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix C)

Sets the discrete curl matrix C.

This function should be called before HYPRE_ADSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetDiscreteGradient(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix G)

Sets the discrete gradient matrix G.

This function should be called before HYPRE_ADSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetCoordinateVectors(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector x, HYPRE_ParVector y, HYPRE_ParVector z)

Sets the x, y and z coordinates of the vertices in the mesh.

This function should be called before HYPRE_ADSSetup()!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetInterpolations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix RT_Pi, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix RT_Pix, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix RT_Piy, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix RT_Piz, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix ND_Pi, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix ND_Pix, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix ND_Piy, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix ND_Piz)

(Optional) Set the (components of) the Raviart-Thomas ( \(\Pi_{RT}\)) and the Nedelec ( \(\Pi_{ND}\)) interpolation matrices.

This function is generally intended to be used only for high-order \(H(div)\) discretizations (in the lowest order case, these matrices are constructed internally in ADS from the discreet gradient and curl matrices and the coordinates of the vertices), though it can also be used in the lowest-order case or for other types of discretizations.

By definition, RT_Pi and ND_Pi are the matrix representations of the linear operators \(\Pi_{RT}\) and \(\Pi_{ND}\) that interpolate (high-order) vector nodal finite elements into the (high-order) Raviart-Thomas and Nedelec spaces. The component matrices are defined in both cases as \(\Pi^x \varphi = \Pi (\varphi,0,0)\) and similarly for \(\Pi^y\) and \(\Pi^z\). Note that all these operators depend on the choice of the basis and degrees of freedom in the high-order spaces.

The column numbering of RT_Pi and ND_Pi should be node-based, i.e. the \(x\)/ \(y\)/ \(z\) components of the first node (vertex or high-order dof) should be listed first, followed by the \(x\)/ \(y\)/ \(z\) components of the second node and so on (see the documentation of HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDofFunc).

If used, this function should be called before hypre_ADSSetup() and there is no need to provide the vertex coordinates. Furthermore, only one of the sets \(\{\Pi_{RT}\}\) and \(\{\Pi_{RT}^x,\Pi_{RT}^y,\Pi_{RT}^z\}\) needs to be specified (though it is OK to provide both). If RT_Pix is NULL, then scalar \(\Pi\)-based ADS cycles, i.e. those with cycle_type > 10, will be unavailable. Similarly, ADS cycles based on monolithic \(\Pi\) (cycle_type < 10) require that RT_Pi is not NULL. The same restrictions hold for the sets \(\{\Pi_{ND}\}\) and \(\{\Pi_{ND}^x,\Pi_{ND}^y,\Pi_{ND}^z\}\) &#8212; only one of them needs to be specified, and the availability of each enables different AMS cycle type options.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int maxit)

(Optional) Sets maximum number of iterations, if ADS is used as a solver.

To use ADS as a preconditioner, set the maximum number of iterations to 1. The default is 20.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

(Optional) Set the convergence tolerance, if ADS is used as a solver.

When using ADS as a preconditioner, set the tolerance to 0.0. The default is \(10^{-6}\).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetCycleType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cycle_type)

(Optional) Choose which auxiliary-space solver to use.

Possible values are:

  • 1 : 3-level multiplicative solver (01210)

  • 2 : 3-level additive solver (0+1+2)

  • 3 : 3-level multiplicative solver (02120)

  • 4 : 3-level additive solver (010+2)

  • 5 : 3-level multiplicative solver (0102010)

  • 6 : 3-level additive solver (1+020)

  • 7 : 3-level multiplicative solver (0201020)

  • 8 : 3-level additive solver (0(1+2)0)

  • 11 : 5-level multiplicative solver (013454310)

  • 12 : 5-level additive solver (0+1+3+4+5)

  • 13 : 5-level multiplicative solver (034515430)

  • 14 : 5-level additive solver (01(3+4+5)10)

The default is 1. See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Control how much information is printed during the solution iterations.

The default is 1 (print residual norm at each step).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetSmoothingOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type, HYPRE_Int relax_times, HYPRE_Real relax_weight, HYPRE_Real omega)

(Optional) Sets relaxation parameters for \(A\).

The defaults are 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0.

The available options for relax_type are:

  • 1 : \(\ell_1\)-scaled Jacobi

  • 2 : \(\ell_1\)-scaled block symmetric Gauss-Seidel/SSOR

  • 3 : Kaczmarz

  • 4 : truncated version of \(\ell_1\)-scaled block symmetric Gauss-Seidel/SSOR

  • 16 : Chebyshev

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetChebySmoothingOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cheby_order, HYPRE_Real cheby_fraction)

(Optional) Sets parameters for Chebyshev relaxation.

The defaults are 2, 0.3.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetAMSOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cycle_type, HYPRE_Int coarsen_type, HYPRE_Int agg_levels, HYPRE_Int relax_type, HYPRE_Real strength_threshold, HYPRE_Int interp_type, HYPRE_Int Pmax)

(Optional) Sets AMS parameters for \(B_C\).

The defaults are 11, 10, 1, 3, 0.25, 0, 0. Note that cycle_type should be greater than 10, unless the high-order interface of HYPRE_ADSSetInterpolations is being used! See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSSetAMGOptions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int coarsen_type, HYPRE_Int agg_levels, HYPRE_Int relax_type, HYPRE_Real strength_threshold, HYPRE_Int interp_type, HYPRE_Int Pmax)

(Optional) Sets AMG parameters for \(B_\Pi\).

The defaults are 10, 1, 3, 0.25, 0, 0. See the user’s manual for more details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)

Returns the number of iterations taken.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ADSGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *rel_resid_norm)

Returns the norm of the final relative residual.

ParCSR PCG Solver

These routines should be used in conjunction with the generic interface in Krylov Solvers.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetStopCrit(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int stop_crit)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetTwoNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int two_norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetRelChange(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int rel_change)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPreconditioner(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver precond)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRPCGGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)

Returns the residual.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector y, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Setup routine for diagonal preconditioning.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix HA, HYPRE_ParVector Hy, HYPRE_ParVector Hx)

Solve routine for diagonal preconditioning.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSROnProcTriSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix HA, HYPRE_ParVector Hy, HYPRE_ParVector Hx)

Setup routine for on-processor triangular solve as preconditioning.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSROnProcTriSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix HA, HYPRE_ParVector Hy, HYPRE_ParVector Hx)

Solve routine for on-processor triangular solve as preconditioning.


These routines should be used in conjunction with the generic interface in Krylov Solvers.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetKDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int k_dim)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real a_tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetStopCrit(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int stop_crit)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)

Returns the residual.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.


Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetKDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int k_dim)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetUnroll(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int unroll)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real a_tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCOGMRESGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)

Returns the residual.

ParCSR FlexGMRES Solver

These routines should be used in conjunction with the generic interface in Krylov Solvers.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetKDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int k_dim)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real a_tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRFlexGMRESSetModifyPC(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToModifyPCFcn modify_pc)


These routines should be used in conjunction with the generic interface in Krylov Solvers.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetKDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int k_dim)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetAugDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int aug_dim)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real a_tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRLGMRESGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)


These routines should be used in conjunction with the generic interface in Krylov Solvers.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real a_tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetStopCrit(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int stop_crit)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABGetResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParVector *residual)

ParCSR Hybrid Solver

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Setup the hybrid solver.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – Ignored by this function.

  • x – Ignored by this function.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve linear system.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

Set the convergence tolerance for the Krylov solver.

The default is 1.e-6.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetAbsoluteTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

Set the absolute convergence tolerance for the Krylov solver.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetConvergenceTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real cf_tol)

Set the desired convergence factor.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetDSCGMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int dscg_max_its)

Set the maximal number of iterations for the diagonally preconditioned solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetPCGMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int pcg_max_its)

Set the maximal number of iterations for the AMG preconditioned solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetSetupType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int setup_type)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetSolverType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int solver_type)

Set the desired solver type.

There are the following options:

  • 1 : PCG (default)

  • 2 : GMRES

  • 3 : BiCGSTAB

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRecomputeResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int recompute_residual)

(Optional) Set recompute residual (don’t rely on 3-term recurrence).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetRecomputeResidual(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *recompute_residual)

(Optional) Get recompute residual option.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRecomputeResidualP(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int recompute_residual_p)

(Optional) Set recompute residual period (don’t rely on 3-term recurrence).

Recomputes residual after every specified number of iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetRecomputeResidualP(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *recompute_residual_p)

(Optional) Get recompute residual period option.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetKDim(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int k_dim)

Set the Krylov dimension for restarted GMRES.

The default is 5.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetTwoNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int two_norm)

Set the type of norm for PCG.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetStopCrit(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int stop_crit)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRelChange(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int rel_change)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)

Set preconditioner if wanting to use one that is not set up by the hybrid solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

Set logging parameter (default: 0, no logging).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

Set print level (default: 0, no printing) 2 will print residual norms per iteration 10 will print AMG setup information if AMG is used 12 both Setup information and iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetStrongThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real strong_threshold)

(Optional) Sets AMG strength threshold.

The default is 0.25. For elasticity problems, a larger strength threshold, such as 0.7 or 0.8, is often better.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetMaxRowSum(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real max_row_sum)

(Optional) Sets a parameter to modify the definition of strength for diagonal dominant portions of the matrix.

The default is 0.9. If max_row_sum is 1, no checking for diagonally dominant rows is performed.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetTruncFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real trunc_factor)

(Optional) Defines a truncation factor for the interpolation.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetPMaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int P_max_elmts)

(Optional) Defines the maximal number of elements per row for the interpolation.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetMaxLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_levels)

(Optional) Defines the maximal number of levels used for AMG.

The default is 25.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetMeasureType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int measure_type)

(Optional) Defines whether local or global measures are used.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetCoarsenType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int coarsen_type)

(Optional) Defines which parallel coarsening algorithm is used.

There are the following options for coarsen_type:

  • 0 : CLJP-coarsening (a parallel coarsening algorithm using independent sets).

  • 1 : classical Ruge-Stueben coarsening on each processor, no boundary treatment

  • 3 : classical Ruge-Stueben coarsening on each processor, followed by a third pass, which adds coarse points on the boundaries

  • 6 : Falgout coarsening (uses 1 first, followed by CLJP using the interior coarse points generated by 1 as its first independent set)

  • 7 : CLJP-coarsening (using a fixed random vector, for debugging purposes only)

  • 8 : PMIS-coarsening (a parallel coarsening algorithm using independent sets with lower complexities than CLJP, might also lead to slower convergence)

  • 9 : PMIS-coarsening (using a fixed random vector, for debugging purposes only)

  • 10 : HMIS-coarsening (uses one pass Ruge-Stueben on each processor independently, followed by PMIS using the interior C-points as its first independent set)

  • 11 : one-pass Ruge-Stueben coarsening on each processor, no boundary treatment

The default is 10.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int interp_type)

(Optional) Specifies which interpolation operator is used The default is ext+i interpolation truncated to at most 4 elements per row.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetCycleType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int cycle_type)

(Optional) Defines the type of cycle.

For a V-cycle, set cycle_type to 1, for a W-cycle set cycle_type to 2. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetGridRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *grid_relax_type)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetGridRelaxPoints(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int **grid_relax_points)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetNumSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_sweeps)

(Optional) Sets the number of sweeps.

On the finest level, the up and the down cycle the number of sweeps are set to num_sweeps and on the coarsest level to 1. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetCycleNumSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_sweeps, HYPRE_Int k)

(Optional) Sets the number of sweeps at a specified cycle.

There are the following options for k:

  • 1 : the down cycle

  • 2 : the up cycle

  • 3 : the coarsest level

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type)

(Optional) Defines the smoother to be used.

It uses the given smoother on the fine grid, the up and the down cycle and sets the solver on the coarsest level to Gaussian elimination (9). The default is l1-Gauss-Seidel, forward solve on the down cycle (13) and backward solve on the up cycle (14).

There are the following options for relax_type:

  • 0 : Jacobi

  • 1 : Gauss-Seidel, sequential (very slow!)

  • 2 : Gauss-Seidel, interior points in parallel, boundary sequential (slow!)

  • 3 : hybrid Gauss-Seidel or SOR, forward solve

  • 4 : hybrid Gauss-Seidel or SOR, backward solve

  • 6 : hybrid symmetric Gauss-Seidel or SSOR

  • 8 : hybrid symmetric l1-Gauss-Seidel or SSOR

  • 13 : l1-Gauss-Seidel, forward solve

  • 14 : l1-Gauss-Seidel, backward solve

  • 18 : l1-Jacobi

  • 9 : Gaussian elimination (only on coarsest level)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetCycleRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type, HYPRE_Int k)

(Optional) Defines the smoother at a given cycle.

For options of relax_type see description of HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxType). Options for k are

  • 1 : the down cycle

  • 2 : the up cycle

  • 3 : the coarsest level

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRelaxOrder(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_order)

(Optional) Defines in which order the points are relaxed.

There are the following options for relax_order:

  • 0 : the points are relaxed in natural or lexicographic order on each processor

  • 1 : CF-relaxation is used, i.e on the fine grid and the down cycle the coarse points are relaxed first, followed by the fine points; on the up cycle the F-points are relaxed first, followed by the C-points. On the coarsest level, if an iterative scheme is used, the points are relaxed in lexicographic order.

The default is 0 (CF-relaxation).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRelaxWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real relax_wt)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation weight for smoothed Jacobi and hybrid SOR on all levels.

Values for relax_wt are

  • > 0 : this assigns the given relaxation weight on all levels

  • = 0 : the weight is determined on each level with the estimate \(3 \over {4\|D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}\|}\), where \(D\) is the diagonal of \(A\) (this should only be used with Jacobi)

  • = -k : the relaxation weight is determined with at most k CG steps on each level (this should only be used for symmetric positive definite problems)

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetLevelRelaxWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real relax_wt, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Defines the relaxation weight for smoothed Jacobi and hybrid SOR on the user defined level.

Note that the finest level is denoted 0, the next coarser level 1, etc. For nonpositive relax_weight, the parameter is determined on the given level as described for HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWt. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetOuterWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real outer_wt)

(Optional) Defines the outer relaxation weight for hybrid SOR and SSOR on all levels.

Values for outer_wt are

  • > 0 : this assigns the same outer relaxation weight omega on each level

  • = -k : an outer relaxation weight is determined with at most k CG steps on each level (this only makes sense for symmetric positive definite problems and smoothers such as SSOR)

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetLevelOuterWt(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real outer_wt, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Defines the outer relaxation weight for hybrid SOR or SSOR on the user defined level.

Note that the finest level is denoted 0, the next coarser level 1, etc. For nonpositive omega, the parameter is determined on the given level as described for HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOuterWt. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetMaxCoarseSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_coarse_size)

(Optional) Defines the maximal coarse grid size.

The default is 9.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetMinCoarseSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_coarse_size)

(Optional) Defines the minimal coarse grid size.

The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetSeqThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int seq_threshold)

(Optional) enables redundant coarse grid size.

If the system size becomes smaller than seq_threshold, sequential AMG is used on all remaining processors. The default is 0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetRelaxWeight(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *relax_weight)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetOmega(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *omega)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetAggNumLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int agg_num_levels)

(Optional) Defines the number of levels of aggressive coarsening, starting with the finest level.

The default is 0, i.e. no aggressive coarsening.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetAggInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int agg_interp_type)

(Optional) Defines the interpolation used on levels of aggressive coarsening The default is 4, i.e.

multipass interpolation. The following options exist:

  • 1 : 2-stage extended+i interpolation

  • 2 : 2-stage standard interpolation

  • 3 : 2-stage extended interpolation

  • 4 : multipass interpolation

  • 5 : 2-stage extended interpolation in matrix-matrix form

  • 6 : 2-stage extended+i interpolation in matrix-matrix form

  • 7 : 2-stage extended+e interpolation in matrix-matrix form

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetNumPaths(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_paths)

(Optional) Defines the degree of aggressive coarsening.

The default is 1, which leads to the most aggressive coarsening. Setting num_paths to 2 will increase complexity somewhat, but can lead to better convergence.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetNumFunctions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_functions)

(Optional) Sets the size of the system of PDEs, if using the systems version.

The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetDofFunc(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *dof_func)

(Optional) Sets the mapping that assigns the function to each variable, if using the systems version.

If no assignment is made and the number of functions is k > 1, the mapping generated is (0,1,…,k-1,0,1,…,k-1,…).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetNodal(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nodal)

(Optional) Sets whether to use the nodal systems version.

The default is 0 (the unknown based approach).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetKeepTranspose(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int keepT)

(Optional) Sets whether to store local transposed interpolation The default is 0 (don’t store).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetNonGalerkinTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_levels, HYPRE_Real *nongalerkin_tol)

(Optional) Sets whether to use non-Galerkin option The default is no non-Galerkin option num_levels sets the number of levels where to use it nongalerkin_tol contains the tolerances for <num_levels> levels

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_its)

Retrieves the total number of iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetDSCGNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *dscg_num_its)

Retrieves the number of iterations used by the diagonally scaled solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetPCGNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *pcg_num_its)

Retrieves the number of iterations used by the AMG preconditioned solver.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)

Retrieves the final relative residual norm.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridSetNumGridSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_grid_sweeps)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRHybridGetSetupSolveTime(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *time)

ParCSR MGR Solver

Parallel multigrid reduction solver and preconditioner.

This solver or preconditioner is designed with systems of PDEs in mind. However, it can also be used for scalar linear systems, particularly for problems where the user can exploit information from the physics of the problem. In this way, the MGR solver could potentially be used as a foundation for a physics-based preconditioner.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Setup the MGR solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – right-hand-side of the linear system to be solved (Ignored by this function).

  • x – approximate solution of the linear system to be solved (Ignored by this function).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply MGR as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetCpointsByContiguousBlock(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int block_size, HYPRE_Int max_num_levels, HYPRE_BigInt *idx_array, HYPRE_Int *num_block_coarse_points, HYPRE_Int **block_coarse_indexes)

Set the block data assuming that the physical variables are ordered contiguously, i.e.

p_1, p_2, …, p_n, s_1, s_2, …, s_n, …

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object

  • block_size – [IN] system block size

  • max_num_levels – [IN] maximum number of reduction levels

  • num_block_coarse_points – [IN] number of coarse points per block per level

  • block_coarse_indexes – [IN] index for each block coarse point per level

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetCpointsByBlock(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int block_size, HYPRE_Int max_num_levels, HYPRE_Int *num_block_coarse_points, HYPRE_Int **block_coarse_indexes)

Set the block data (by grid points) and prescribe the coarse indexes per block for each reduction level.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object

  • block_size – [IN] system block size

  • max_num_levels – [IN] maximum number of reduction levels

  • num_block_coarse_points – [IN] number of coarse points per block per level

  • block_coarse_indexes – [IN] index for each block coarse point per level

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetCpointsByPointMarkerArray(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int block_size, HYPRE_Int max_num_levels, HYPRE_Int *num_block_coarse_points, HYPRE_Int **lvl_block_coarse_indexes, HYPRE_Int *point_marker_array)

Set the coarse indices for the levels using an array of tags for all the local degrees of freedom.

TODO: Rename the function to make it more descriptive.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object

  • block_size – [IN] system block size

  • max_num_levels – [IN] maximum number of reduction levels

  • num_block_coarse_points – [IN] number of coarse points per block per level

  • lvl_block_coarse_indexes – [IN] indices for the coarse points per level

  • point_marker_array – [IN] array of tags for the local degrees of freedom

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetNonCpointsToFpoints(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nonCptToFptFlag)

(Optional) Set non C-points to F-points.

This routine determines how the coarse points are selected for the next level reduction. Options for nonCptToFptFlag are:

  • 0 : Allow points not prescribed as C points to be potentially set as C points using classical AMG coarsening strategies (currently uses CLJP-coarsening).

  • 1 : Fix points not prescribed as C points to be F points for the next reduction

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetMaxCoarseLevels(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int maxlev)

(Optional) Set maximum number of coarsening (or reduction) levels.

The default is 10.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetBlockSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int bsize)

(Optional) Set the system block size.

This should match the block size set in the MGRSetCpointsByBlock function. The default is 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetReservedCoarseNodes(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int reserved_coarse_size, HYPRE_BigInt *reserved_coarse_nodes)

(Optional) Defines indexes of coarse nodes to be kept to the coarsest level.

These indexes are passed down through the MGR hierarchy to the coarsest grid of the coarse grid (BoomerAMG) solver.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object

  • reserved_coarse_size – [IN] number of reserved coarse points

  • reserved_coarse_nodes – [IN] (global) indexes of reserved coarse points

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetReservedCpointsLevelToKeep(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int level)

(Optional) Set the level for reducing the reserved Cpoints before the coarse grid solve.

This is necessary for some applications, such as phase transitions. The default is 0 (no reduction, i.e. keep the reserved cpoints in the coarse grid solve).

The default setup for the reduction is as follows: interp_type = 2 restrict_type = 0 F-relax method = 99 Galerkin coarse grid

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_type)

(Optional) Set the relaxation type for F-relaxation.

Currently supports the following flavors of relaxation types as described in the BoomerAMGSetRelaxType: relax_type 0, 3 - 8, 13, 14, 18. Also supports AMG (options 1 and 2) and direct solver variants (9, 99, 199). See HYPRE_MGRSetLevelFRelaxType for details.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetFRelaxMethod(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int relax_method)

(Optional) Set the strategy for F-relaxation.

Options for relax_method are:

  • 0 : Single-level relaxation sweeps for F-relaxation as prescribed by MGRSetRelaxType

  • 1 : Multi-level relaxation strategy for F-relaxation (V(1,0) cycle currently supported).

NOTE: This function will be removed in favor of HYPRE_MGRSetLevelFRelaxType!!

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelFRelaxMethod(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *relax_method)

(Optional) This function is an extension of HYPRE_MGRSetFRelaxMethod.

It allows setting the F-relaxation strategy for each MGR level.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelFRelaxType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *relax_type)

(Optional) Set the relaxation type for F-relaxation at each level.

This function takes precedence over, and will replace HYPRE_MGRSetFRelaxMethod and HYPRE_MGRSetRelaxType. Options for relax_type entries are:

  • 0, 3 - 8, 13, 14, 18: (as described in BoomerAMGSetRelaxType)

  • 1 : Multi-level relaxation strategy for F-relaxation (V(1,0) cycle currently supported).

  • 2 : AMG

  • 9, 99, 199 : Gaussian Elimination variants (GE, GE with pivoting, direct inversion respectively)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetCoarseGridMethod(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *cg_method)

(Optional) Set the strategy for coarse grid computation.

Options for cg_method are:

  • 0 : Galerkin coarse grid computation using RAP.

  • 5 : Galerkin coarse grid computation using RAI (injective prolongation).

  • 1 - 4 : Non-Galerkin coarse grid computation with dropping strategy.

    • 1: inv(A_FF) approximated by its (block) diagonal inverse

    • 2: CPR-like approximation with inv(A_FF) approximated by its diagonal inverse

    • 3: CPR-like approximation with inv(A_FF) approximated by its block diagonal inverse

    • 4: inv(A_FF) approximated by sparse approximate inverse

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelFRelaxNumFunctions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_functions)

(Optional) Set the number of functions for F-relaxation V-cycle.

For problems like elasticity, one may want to perform coarsening and interpolation for block matrices. The number of functions corresponds to the number of scalar PDEs in the system.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetRestrictType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int restrict_type)

(Optional) Set the strategy for computing the MGR restriction operator.

Options for restrict_type are:

  • 0 : injection \([0 I]\)

  • 1 : unscaled (not recommended)

  • 2 : diagonal scaling (Jacobi)

  • 3 : approximate inverse

  • 4 : pAIR distance 1

  • 5 : pAIR distance 2

  • 12 : Block Jacobi

  • 13 : CPR-like restriction operator

  • 14 : (Block) Column-lumped restriction

  • else : use classical modified interpolation

The default is injection.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelRestrictType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *restrict_type)

(Optional) This function is an extension of HYPRE_MGRSetRestrictType.

It allows setting the restriction operator strategy for each MGR level.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetNumRestrictSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nsweeps)

(Optional) Set number of restriction sweeps.

This option is for restrict_type > 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int interp_type)

(Optional) Set the strategy for computing the MGR interpolation operator.

Options for interp_type are:

  • 0 : injection \([0 I]^{T}\)

  • 1 : L1-Jacobi

  • 2 : diagonal scaling (Jacobi)

  • 3 : classical modified interpolation

  • 4 : approximate inverse

  • 12 : Block Jacobi

  • else : classical modified interpolation

The default is diagonal scaling.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *interp_type)

(Optional) This function is an extension of HYPRE_MGRSetInterpType.

It allows setting the prolongation (interpolation) operator strategy for each MGR level.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetNumRelaxSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nsweeps)

(Optional) Set number of relaxation sweeps.

This option is for the “single level” F-relaxation (relax_method = 0).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelNumRelaxSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *nsweeps)

(Optional) This function is an extension of HYPRE_MGRSetNumRelaxSweeps.

It allows setting the number of single-level relaxation sweeps for each MGR level.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetNumInterpSweeps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nsweeps)

(Optional) Set number of interpolation sweeps.

This option is for interp_type > 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetBlockJacobiBlockSize(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int blk_size)

(Optional) Set block size for block (global) smoother and interp/restriction.

This option is for interp_type/restrict_type == 12, and smooth_type == 0 or 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetFSolver(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn fine_grid_solver_solve, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn fine_grid_solver_setup, HYPRE_Solver fsolver)

(Optional) Set the fine grid solver.

  • solver – [IN] MGR solver/preconditioner object

  • fine_grid_solver_solve – [IN] solve routine

  • fine_grid_solver_setup – [IN] setup routine

  • fine_grid_solver – [IN] fine grid solver object

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetFSolverAtLevel(HYPRE_Int level, HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver fsolver)

(Optional) Set the F-relaxation solver at a given level.

  • level – [IN] MGR solver level

  • solver – [IN] MGR solver/preconditioner object

  • fsolver – [IN] F-relaxation solver object

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRBuildAff(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_Int *CF_marker, HYPRE_Int debug_flag, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix *A_ff)

(Optional) Extract A_FF block from matrix A.

TODO (VPM): Does this need to be exposed? Move to parcsr_mv?

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetCoarseSolver(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn coarse_grid_solver_solve, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn coarse_grid_solver_setup, HYPRE_Solver coarse_grid_solver)

(Optional) Set the coarse grid solver.

Currently uses BoomerAMG. The default, if not set, is BoomerAMG with default options.

  • solver – [IN] MGR solver/preconditioner object

  • coarse_grid_solver_solve – [IN] solve routine for BoomerAMG

  • coarse_grid_solver_setup – [IN] setup routine for BoomerAMG

  • coarse_grid_solver – [IN] coarse grid solver object

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetFrelaxPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Set the print level of the F-relaxation solver

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetCoarseGridPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Set the print level of the coarse grid solver

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetTruncateCoarseGridThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real threshold)

(Optional) Set the threshold for dropping small entries on the coarse grid at each level.

No dropping is applied if threshold = 0.0 (default).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

(Optional) Requests logging of solver diagnostics.

Requests additional computations for diagnostic and similar data to be logged by the user. Default is 0, do nothing. The latest residual will be available if logging > 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)

(Optional) Set maximum number of iterations if used as a solver.

Set this to 1 if MGR is used as a preconditioner. The default is 20.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

(Optional) Set the convergence tolerance for the MGR solver.

Use tol = 0.0 if MGR is used as a preconditioner. The default is 1.e-6.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetMaxGlobalSmoothIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int smooth_iter)

(Optional) Determines how many sweeps of global smoothing to do.

Default is 0 (no global smoothing).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelSmoothIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *smooth_iters)

(Optional) Determines how many sweeps of global smoothing to do on each level.

Default is 0 (no global smoothing).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetGlobalSmoothCycle(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int global_smooth_cycle)

(Optional) Set the cycle for global smoothing.

Options for global_smooth_cycle are:

  • 1 : Pre-smoothing - Down cycle (default)

  • 2 : Post-smoothing - Up cycle

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetGlobalSmoothType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int smooth_type)

(Optional) Determines type of global smoother.

Options for smooth_type are:

  • 0 : block Jacobi (default)

  • 1 : block Gauss-Seidel

  • 2 : Jacobi

  • 3 : Gauss-Seidel, sequential (very slow!)

  • 4 : Gauss-Seidel, interior points in parallel, boundary sequential (slow!)

  • 5 : hybrid Gauss-Seidel or SOR, forward solve

  • 6 : hybrid Gauss-Seidel or SOR, backward solve

  • 8 : Euclid (ILU)

  • 16 : HYPRE_ILU

  • 18 : L1-Jacobi

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelSmoothType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *smooth_type)

(Optional) Determines type of global smoother for each level.

See HYPRE_MGRSetGlobalSmoothType for global smoother options.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)

(Optional) Return the number of MGR iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRGetCoarseGridConvergenceFactor(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *conv_factor)

(Optional) Return the relative residual for the coarse level system.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetPMaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int P_max_elmts)

(Optional) Set the maximum number of nonzeros per row for interpolation operators.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRSetLevelPMaxElmts(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *P_max_elmts)

(Optional) Set the maximum number of nonzeros per row for interpolation operators for each level.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_MGRGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *res_norm)

(Optional) Return the norm of the final relative residual.

ParCSR ILU Solver

(Parallel) Incomplete LU factorization.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)

Create a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)

Destroy a solver object.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Setup the ILU solver or preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] object to be set up.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix used to construct the solver/preconditioner.

  • b – right-hand-side of the linear system to be solved (Ignored by this function).

  • x – approximate solution of the linear system to be solved (Ignored by this function).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)

Solve the system or apply ILU as a preconditioner.

If used as a preconditioner, this function should be passed to the iterative solver SetPrecond function.

  • solver – [IN] solver or preconditioner object to be applied.

  • A – [IN] ParCSR matrix, matrix of the linear system to be solved

  • b – [IN] right hand side of the linear system to be solved

  • x – [OUT] approximated solution of the linear system to be solved

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)

(Optional) Set maximum number of iterations if used as a solver.

Set this to 1 if ILU is used as a preconditioner. The default is 20.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int iter_setup_type)

(Optional) Set the algorithm type to compute the ILU factorization.

Options are:

  • 0 : Non-iterative algorithm (default)

  • 1 : Asynchronous with in-place storage

  • 2 : Asynchronous with explicit storage splitting

  • 3 : Synchronous with explicit storage splitting

  • 4 : Semi-synchronous with explicit storage splitting

Note: Iterative ILU is available only for zero fill-in and it depends on rocSPARSE.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupOption(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int iter_setup_option)

(Optional) Set the compute option for iterative ILU in an additive fashion, i.e.

; multiple options can be turned on by summing their respective numeric codes as given below:

  • 2: Use stopping tolerance to finish the algorithm

  • 4: Compute correction norms

  • 8: Compute residual norms

  • 16: Save convergence history

  • 32: Use rocSPARSE’s internal COO format

The iterative ILU algorithm can terminate based on the maximum number of iterations (default) or a target tolerance (option 2). In the tolerance-based case, the max. number of iterations is still used to terminate the algorithm in case it does not converge to the requested tolerance. In addition, the tolerance-based mode uses residual norms by default (option 8). To use correction norms instead, enable option 4. Lastly, the convergence history for computing the triangular factors can be saved and printed out by enabling option 16.

Note: Iterative ILU is available only for zero fill-in, and it depends on rocSPARSE.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int iter_setup_max_iter)

(Optional) Set the max.

number of iterations for the iterative ILU algorithm.

Note: Iterative ILU is available only for zero fill-in and it depends on rocSPARSE.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetIterativeSetupTolerance(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real iter_setup_tolerance)

(Optional) Set the stop tolerance for the iterative ILU algorithm.

Note: Iterative ILU is available only for zero fill-in and it depends on rocSPARSE.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetTriSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int tri_solve)

(Optional) Set triangular solver type.

Options are:

  • 0 : iterative

  • 1 : direct (default)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetLowerJacobiIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int lower_jacobi_iterations)

(Optional) Set number of lower Jacobi iterations for the triangular L solves Set this to integer > 0 when using iterative tri_solve (0).

The default is 5 iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetUpperJacobiIters(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int upper_jacobi_iterations)

(Optional) Set number of upper Jacobi iterations for the triangular U solves Set this to integer > 0 when using iterative tri_solve (0).

The default is 5 iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)

(Optional) Set the convergence tolerance for ILU.

Use tol = 0.0 if ILU is used as a preconditioner. The default is 1.e-7.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetLevelOfFill(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int lfil)

(Optional) Set the level of fill k, for level-based ILU(k) The default is 0 (for ILU(0)).

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetMaxNnzPerRow(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int nzmax)

(Optional) Set the max non-zeros per row in L and U factors (for ILUT) The default is 1000.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetDropThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real threshold)

(Optional) Set the threshold for dropping in L and U factors (for ILUT).

Any fill-in less than this threshold is dropped in the factorization. The default is 1.0e-2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetDropThresholdArray(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *threshold)

(Optional) Set the array of thresholds for dropping in ILUT.

B, E, and F correspond to upper left, lower left and upper right of 2 x 2 block decomposition respectively. Any fill-in less than threshold is dropped in the factorization.

  • threshold[0] : threshold for matrix B.

  • threshold[1] : threshold for matrix E and F.

  • threshold[2] : threshold for matrix S (Schur Complement). The default is 1.0e-2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetNSHDropThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real threshold)

(Optional) Set the threshold for dropping in Newton–Schulz–Hotelling iteration (NSH-ILU).

Any entries less than this threshold are dropped when forming the approximate inverse matrix. The default is 1.0e-2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetNSHDropThresholdArray(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *threshold)

(Optional) Set the array of thresholds for dropping in Newton–Schulz–Hotelling iteration (for NSH-ILU).

Any fill-in less than thresholds is dropped when forming the approximate inverse matrix.

  • threshold[0] : threshold for Minimal Residual iteration (initial guess for NSH).

  • threshold[1] : threshold for Newton–Schulz–Hotelling iteration.

The default is 1.0e-2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetSchurMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ss_max_iter)

(Optional) Set maximum number of iterations for Schur System Solve.

For GMRES-ILU, this is the maximum number of iterations for GMRES. The Krylov dimension for GMRES is set equal to this value to avoid restart. For NSH-ILU, this is the maximum number of iterations for NSH solve. The default is 5.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int ilu_type)

Set the type of ILU factorization.

Options for ilu_type are:

  • 0 : BJ with ILU(k) (default, with k = 0)

  • 1 : BJ with ILUT

  • 10 : GMRES with ILU(k)

  • 11 : GMRES with ILUT

  • 20 : NSH with ILU(k)

  • 21 : NSH with ILUT

  • 30 : RAS with ILU(k)

  • 31 : RAS with ILUT

  • 40 : (nonsymmetric permutation) DDPQ-GMRES with ILU(k)

  • 41 : (nonsymmetric permutation) DDPQ-GMRES with ILUT

  • 50 : GMRES with RAP-ILU(0) using MILU(0) for P

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetLocalReordering(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int reordering_type)

Set the type of reordering for the local matrix.

Options for reordering_type are:

  • 0 : No reordering

  • 1 : RCM (default)

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetPrintLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int print_level)

(Optional) Set the print level to print setup and solve information.

  • 0 : no printout (default)

  • 1 : print setup information

  • 2 : print solve information

  • 3 : print both setup and solve information

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)

(Optional) Requests logging of solver diagnostics.

Requests additional computations for diagnostic and similar data to be logged by the user. Default is 0, do nothing. The latest residual will be available if logging > 1.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)

(Optional) Return the number of ILU iterations.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *res_norm)

(Optional) Return the norm of the final relative residual.

HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateLaplacian(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_BigInt nz, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int R, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Int r, HYPRE_Real *value)
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateLaplacian27pt(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_BigInt nz, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int R, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Int r, HYPRE_Real *value)
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateLaplacian9pt(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Real *value)
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateDifConv(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_BigInt nz, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int R, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Int r, HYPRE_Real *value)
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateRotate7pt(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Real alpha, HYPRE_Real eps)
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateVarDifConv(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_BigInt nz, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int R, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Int r, HYPRE_Real eps, HYPRE_ParVector *rhs_ptr)
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix GenerateRSVarDifConv(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_BigInt nz, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int R, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Int r, HYPRE_Real eps, HYPRE_ParVector *rhs_ptr, HYPRE_Int type)
float *hypre_GenerateCoordinates(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_BigInt nx, HYPRE_BigInt ny, HYPRE_BigInt nz, HYPRE_Int P, HYPRE_Int Q, HYPRE_Int R, HYPRE_Int p, HYPRE_Int q, HYPRE_Int r, HYPRE_Int coorddim)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPostInterpType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int post_interp_type)

(Optional) Switches on use of Jacobi interpolation after computing an original interpolation

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetJacobiTruncThreshold(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real jacobi_trunc_threshold)

(Optional) Sets a truncation threshold for Jacobi interpolation.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumCRRelaxSteps(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_CR_relax_steps)

(Optional) Defines the number of relaxation steps for CR The default is 2.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCRRate(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real CR_rate)

(Optional) Defines convergence rate for CR The default is 0.7.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCRStrongTh(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real CR_strong_th)

(Optional) Defines strong threshold for CR The default is 0.0.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCRUseCG(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int CR_use_CG)

(Optional) Defines whether to use CG

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetISType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int IS_type)

(Optional) Defines the Type of independent set algorithm used for CR

ParCSR LOBPCG Eigensolver

These routines should be used in conjunction with the generic interface in Eigensolvers.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRSetupInterpreter(mv_InterfaceInterpreter *i)

Load interface interpreter.

Vector part loaded with hypre_ParKrylov functions and multivector part loaded with mv_TempMultiVector functions.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRSetupMatvec(HYPRE_MatvecFunctions *mv)

Load Matvec interpreter with hypre_ParKrylov functions.

HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRMultiVectorPrint(void *x_, const char *fileName)
void *HYPRE_ParCSRMultiVectorRead(MPI_Comm comm, void *ii_, const char *fileName)


HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzCreate(HYPRE_Solver *solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetVariant(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int variant)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetOverlap(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int overlap)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetDomainType(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int domain_type)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetRelaxWeight(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real relax_weight)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetDomainStructure(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_CSRMatrix domain_structure)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetNumFunctions(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int num_functions)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetDofFunc(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *dof_func)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SchwarzSetNonSymm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int use_nonsymm)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRCreate(MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetTol(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real tol)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetMinIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int min_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetMaxIter(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int max_iter)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetStopCrit(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int stop_crit)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precondT, HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn precond_setup, HYPRE_Solver precond_solver)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRGetPrecond(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Solver *precond_data)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRSetLogging(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int logging)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRGetNumIterations(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Int *num_iterations)
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ParCSRCGNRGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_Real *norm)