General Information

Getting the Source Code

The most recent hypre distribution is available at ``_ along with previous distribution versions.

Building the Library

In this and the following several sections, we discuss the steps to install and use hypre. First, we focus on the primary method targeting Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux, AIX, and Mac OS X. Then in CMake instructions, we explain an alternative approach using the CMake build system [CMakeWeb], which is the best approach for building hypre on Windows systems in particular.

After unpacking the hypre tar file, the source code will be in the src sub-directory of a directory named hypre-VERSION, where VERSION is the current version number (e.g., hypre-2.29.0).

Move to the src sub-directory to build hypre for the host platform. The simplest method is to configure, compile and install the libraries in ./hypre/lib and ./hypre/include directories, which is accomplished by:


NOTE: when executing on an IBM platform configure must be executed under the nopoe script (./nopoe ./configure <option> ...<option>) to force a single task to be run on the log-in node.

There are many options to configure and make to customize such things as installation directories, compilers used, compile and load flags, etc.

Executing configure results in the creation of platform specific files that are used when building the library. The information may include such things as the system type being used for building and executing, compilers being used, libraries being searched, option flags being set, etc. When all of the searching is done two files are left in the src directory; config.status contains information to recreate the current configuration and config.log contains compiler messages which may help in debugging configure errors.

Upon successful completion of configure the file config/Makefile.config is created from its template config/ and hypre is ready to be built.

Executing make, with or without targets being specified, in the src directory initiates compiling of all of the source code and building of the hypre library. If any errors occur while compiling, the user can edit the file config/Makefile.config directly then run make again; without having to re-run configure.

When building hypre without the install target, the libraries and include files will be copied into the default directories, src/hypre/lib and src/hypre/include, respectively.

When building hypre using the install target, the libraries and include files will be copied into the directories that the user specified in the options to configure, e.g. --prefix=/usr/apps. If none were specified the default directories, src/hypre/lib and src/hypre/include, are used.

Configure Options

There are many options to configure to allow the user to override and refine the defaults for any system. The best way to find out what options are available is to display the help package, by executing ./configure --help, which also includes the usage information. The user can mix and match the configure options and variable settings to meet their needs.

Some commonly used options include:

--enable-debug                 Sets compiler flags to generate information
                               needed for debugging.
--enable-shared                Build shared libraries.
                               NOTE: in order to use the resulting shared
                                     libraries the user MUST have the path to
                                     the libraries defined in the environment
                                     variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
--with-print-errors            Print HYPRE errors
--with-openmp                  Use OpenMP. This may affect which compiler is
--enable-bigint                Use long long int for HYPRE_Int (default is NO).
                               NOTE: This option is not available for Nvidia
                               and AMD GPUs.
--enable-mixedint              Use long long int for HYPRE_BigInt and int for
                               NOTE: This option disables Euclid, ParaSails,
                                     PILUT and CGC coarsening.

The user can mix and match the configure options and variable settings to meet their needs. It should be noted that hypre can be configured with external BLAS and LAPACK libraries, which can be combined with any other option. This is done as follows (currently, both libraries must be configured as external together):

./configure  --with-blas-lib="blas-lib-name" \
             --with-blas-lib-dirs="path-to-blas-lib" \
             --with-lapack-lib="lapack-lib-name" \

The output from configure is several pages long. It reports the system type being used for building and executing, compilers being used, libraries being searched, option flags being set, etc.

Make Targets

The make step in building hypre is where the compiling, loading and creation of libraries occurs. Make has several options that are called targets. These include:

help         prints the details of each target

all          default target in all directories
             compile the entire library
             does NOT rebuild documentation

clean        deletes all files from the current directory that are
                created by building the library

distclean    deletes all files from the current directory that are created
                by configuring or building the library

install      compile the source code, build the library and copy executables,
                 libraries, etc to the appropriate directories for user access

uninstall    deletes all files that the install target created

tags         runs etags to create a tags table
             file is named TAGS and is saved in the top-level directory

test         depends on the all target to be completed
             removes existing temporary installation directories
             creates temporary installation directories
             copies all libHYPRE* and *.h files to the temporary locations
             builds the test drivers; linking to the temporary locations to
                simulate how application codes will link to HYPRE

GPU build

Hypre can support NVIDIA GPUs with CUDA and OpenMP (\({\ge}\) 4.5). The related configure options are

--with-cuda             Use CUDA. Require cuda-9.0 or higher (default is

--with-device-openmp    Use OpenMP 4.5 Device Directives. This may affect
                        which compiler is chosen.

The related environment variables

HYPRE_CUDA_SM          (default 70)

CUDA_HOME              the CUDA home directory

need to be set properly, which can be also set by

--with-gpu-arch=ARG    (e.g., --with-gpu-arch='60 70')


When configured with --with-cuda or --with-device-openmp, the memory allocated on the GPUs, by default, is the GPU device memory, which is not accessible from the CPUs. Hypre’s structured solvers can run with device memory, whereas only selected unstructured solvers can run with device memory. See GPU-supported Options for details. Some solver options for BoomerAMG require unified (CUDA managed) memory. To use these options add the following configure option:

--enable-unified-memory Use unified memory for allocating the memory
                        (default is NO).

Hypre’s Struct solvers can also choose RAJA and Kokkos as the backend. The configure options are

--with-raja             Use RAJA. Require RAJA package to be compiled
                        properly (default is NO).

--with-kokkos           Use Kokkos. Require kokkos package to be compiled
                        properly(default is NO).

To run on the GPUs with RAJA and Kokkos, the options --with-cuda and --with-device-openmp are also needed, and the RAJA and Kokkos libraries should be built with CUDA or OpenMP 4.5 correspondingly.

The other NVIDIA GPU related options include:

  • --enable-gpu-profiling Use NVTX on CUDA, rocTX on HIP (default is NO)

  • --enable-cusparse Use cuSPARSE for GPU sparse kernels (default is YES)

  • --enable-cublas Use cuBLAS for GPU dense kernels (default is YES)

  • --enable-curand Use random numbers generators on GPUs (default is YES)

Allocations and deallocations of GPU memory are expensive. Memory pooling is a common approach to reduce such overhead and improve performance. hypre provides caching allocators for GPU device memory and unified memory, enabled by

--enable-device-memory-pool  Enable the caching GPU memory allocator in hypre
                             (default is NO)

hypre also supports Umpire [Umpire]. To enable Umpire pool, include the following options:

--with-umpire                Use Umpire Allocator for device and unified memory
                             (default is NO)

For running on AMD GPUs, configure with

--with-hip              Use HIP for AMD GPUs. (default is NO)
--with-gpu-arch=ARG     Use appropriate AMD GPU architecture

The other AMD GPU related options include:

  • --enable-gpu-profiling Use NVTX on CUDA, rocTX on HIP (default is NO)

  • --enable-rocsparse Use rocSPARSE (default is YES)

  • --enable-rocblas Use rocBLAS (default is NO)

  • --enable-rocrand Use rocRAND (default is YES)

All the options supported by CUDA are also supported with HIP. Note that the ``–enable-bigint`` option is not supported with CUDA or HIP.

For running on Intel GPUs, configure with

--with-sycl             Use SYCL for Intel GPUs. (default is NO).
--with-sycl-target=ARG  User specifies sycl targets for AOT compilation in
                        ARG, where ARG is a comma-separated list (enclosed
                        in quotes), e.g. "spir64_gen".
                        User specifies additional options for the sycl
                        target backend for AOT compilation in ARG, where ARG
                        contains the desired options (enclosed in
                        double+single quotes), e.g.

Intel oneMKL functionality is also used by default (and required for certain hypre solvers):

--enable-onemklsparse   Use oneMKL sparse (default is YES).
--enable-onemklblas     Use oneMKL blas (default is YES).
--enable-onemklrand     Use oneMKL rand (default is YES).

The SYCL backend now supports all GPU-enabled hypre functionality currently supported by CUDA/HIP except for FSAI (work in progress). The --enable-bigint option is supported with SYCL (not supported for CUDA/HIP).

Testing the Library

The examples subdirectory contains several codes that can be used to test the newly created hypre library. To create the executable versions, move into the examples subdirectory, enter make then execute the codes as described in the initial comments section of each source code.

CMake-based Build Instructions

This section describes hypre’s CMake build system, which is particularly useful for building the code on Windows machines. CMake-based installation provides a platform-independent build system. CMake can generate Unix and Linux Makefiles, as well as Visual Studio and (Apple) XCode project files from the same configuration file. In addition, CMake also provides a GUI front end and which allows an interactive build and installation process. For more detailed information on using CMake, see CMake’s User Interaction Guide.

Note: Not all options are currently supported when using CMake. This is an on-going effort to support all hypre configure options.

Here are the basic steps to configure, make, and install hypre using CMake:

  1. Ensure that CMake version 3.13.0 or later is installed on the system.

  2. After unpacking the hypre tar file or cloning, move to the src sub-directory.

  3. To build the library, run CMake on the top-level hypre source directory to generate files appropriate for the native build system. To prevent writing over the Makefiles in hypre’s configure/make system above, only out-of-source builds are allowed with CMake, that is, it is required to use a separate build directory.

    The directory src/cmbuild is provided in the release for convenience, but alternative build directories may be created by the user. To configure with the default options:

    • Unix: From the src/cmbuild directory, type cmake ...

    • Windows Visual Studio: Set the source and build directories to src and src/cmbuild, then click on Configure following by Generate.

  4. To build the library, compile with the native build system:

    • Unix: From the src/cmbuild directory, type make or make -j 4 (for a faster parallel build with 4 threads).

    • Windows Visual Studio: Open the ‘hypre’ VS solution file generated by CMake and build the ALL_BUILD target.

  5. To install hypre to the installation directory specified in the configuration:

    • Unix: From the src/cmbuild directory, type make install.

    • Windows Visual Studio: Open the hypre VS solution file generated by CMake and build the INSTALL target.

    • Note: The default installation location is set to src/hypre. Use the HYPRE_INSTALL_PREFIX option to change this location if desired.

Changing Default CMake Configuration Options

Various configuration options can be set from within CMake (see CMake options). One option is to specify these options in the command-line CMake invocation, e.g., to enabling building of the examples:


Another option is to use the CMake GUI (ccmake or cmake-gui) to change the default options as appropriate, then reconfigure / generate:

  • Unix: From the src/cmbuild directory, type ccmake ...

    • Change options to desired settings:

      • To set a variable, move the cursor to the variable and press enter.

      • If it is a boolean (ON/OFF) it will toggle the value.

      • If it is string or file, it will allow editing of the string.

    • Then configure (c key).

    • Repeat until all values are set as desired and then generate (g key).

  • Windows Visual Studio: Change options, then click on Configure then Generate.

Then the re-build and re-install with the updated configuration options.

CMake Configure Options

There are many options to allow the user to override and refine the defaults for any system. The best way to find out what options are available is to use cmake, cmake-gui, or inspect using Windows Visual Studio.

Some commonly used options (default value) include:

HYPRE_INSTALL_PREFIX (src/hypre) Installation location.
HYPRE_BUILD_EXAMPLES (OFF)       Compile test cases for examples of using the library.
HYPRE_BUILD_TYPE (Release)       Sets compiler flags to generate information.
                                 needed for debugging.
HYPRE_ENABLE_SHARED (OFF)        Build shared libraries.
HYPRE_PRINT_ERRORS (OFF)         Print HYPRE errors.
HYPRE_WITH_OPENMP (OFF)          Use OpenMP.

HYPRE_ENABLE_BIGINT (OFF)        Use long long int for HYPRE_Int.
HYPRE_ENABLE_MIXEDINT (OFF)      Use long long int for HYPRE_BigInt and int for

GPU CMake Build Options

Some of the commonly used options for GPU CMake builds of hypre are listed below.

  • CUDA support for NVIDIA GPUs relevant options:

HYPRE_WITH_CUDA (OFF)            Use CUDA v9.0 or higher.
HYPRE_CUDA_SM (70)               Target CUDA architecture.

When configured with CUDA, the memory allocated on the GPUs, by default, is the GPU device memory, which is not accessible from the CPUs. Hypre’s structured solvers can run with device memory, whereas only selected unstructured solvers can run with device memory. See GPU-supported Options for details. Some solver options for BoomerAMG require unified (CUDA managed) memory. To use these options turn the following option on:

HYPRE_ENABLE_UNIFIED_MEMORY (OFF)  Use unified memory for allocating the memory.

The other NVIDIA GPU related options include:

HYPRE_ENABLE_CUSPARSE (ON)       Use cuSPARSE for GPU sparse kernels.
HYPRE_ENABLE_CUBLAS (OFF)        Use cuBLAS for GPU dense kernels.
HYPRE_ENABLE_CURAND (ON)         Use random numbers generators on GPUs.

Allocations and deallocations of GPU memory are expensive. Memory pooling is a common approach to reduce such overhead and improve performance. hypre provides caching allocators for GPU device memory and unified memory, enabled by

HYPRE_ENABLE_DEVICE_POOL (OFF)   Enable the caching GPU memory allocator in hypre

hypre also supports Umpire [Umpire]. To enable Umpire pool, include the following options:

HYPRE_WITH_UMPIRE (OFF)          Use Umpire Allocator for device and unified memory.
TPL_UMPIRE_LIBRARIES             List of absolute paths to Umpire link libraries.
TPL_UMPIRE_INCLUDE_DIRS          List of absolute paths to Umpire include directories.

SYCL support for Intel GPUs relevant options:

HYPRE_WITH_SYCL (OFF)            Enable SYCL support.
HYPRE_SYCL_TARGET                Target SYCL architecture, e.g. 'spir64_gen'.
HYPRE_SYCL_TARGET_BACKEND        Additional SYCL backend options, e.g. '-device 12.1.0,12.4.0'.

Testing the Library with CMake Build Process

The examples subdirectory contains several codes that can be used to test the newly created hypre library. The CMake option HYPRE_BUILD_EXAMPLES should be enabled so ensure the executables in the examples subdirectory are built.

Linking to the Library

An application code linking with hypre must be compiled with -I$PREFIX/include and linked with -L$PREFIX/lib -lHYPRE, where $PREFIX is the directory where hypre is installed, default is hypre, or as defined by the configure option --prefix=PREFIX. As noted above, if hypre was built as a shared library the user MUST have its location defined in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

As an example of linking with hypre, a user may refer to the Makefile in the examples sub-directory. It is designed to build codes similar to user applications that link with and call hypre. All include and linking flags are defined in the Makefile.config file by configure.

Error Flags

Every hypre function returns an integer, which is used to indicate errors during execution. Note that the error flag returned by a given function reflects the errors from all previous calls to hypre functions. In particular, a value of zero means that all hypre functions up to (and including) the current one have completed successfully. This new error flag system is being implemented throughout the library, but currently there are still functions that do not support it. The error flag value is a combination of one or a few of the following error codes:

  1. HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC – describes a generic error

  2. HYPRE_ERROR_MEMORY – hypre was unable to allocate memory

  3. HYPRE_ERROR_ARG – error in one of the arguments of a hypre function

  4. HYPRE_ERROR_CONV – a hypre solver did not converge as expected

One can use the HYPRE_CheckError function to determine exactly which errors have occurred:

/* call some HYPRE functions */
int  hypre_ierr;
hypre_ierr = HYPRE_Function();

/* check if the previously called hypre functions returned error(s) */
if (hypre_ierr)
   /* check if the error with code HYPRE_ERROR_CODE has occurred */
   if (HYPRE_CheckError(hypre_ierr,HYPRE_ERROR_CODE))

The corresponding FORTRAN code is

! header file with hypre error codes
include 'HYPRE_error_f.h'

! call some HYPRE functions
integer  hypre_ierr
call HYPRE_Function(hypre_ierr)

! check if the previously called hypre functions returned error(s)
if (hypre_ierr .ne. 0) then
   ! check if the error with code HYPRE_ERROR_CODE has occurred
   call HYPRE_CheckError(hypre_ierr, HYPRE_ERROR_CODE, check)
   if (check .ne. 0) then

The global error flag can also be obtained directly, between calls to other hypre functions, by calling HYPRE_GetError(). If an argument error (HYPRE_ERROR_ARG) has occurred, the argument index (counting from 1) can be obtained from HYPRE_GetErrorArg(). To get a character string with a description of all errors in a given error flag, use

HYPRE_DescribeError(int hypre_ierr, char *descr);

The global error flag can be cleared manually by calling HYPRE_ClearAllErrors(), which will essentially ignore all previous hypre errors. To only clear a specific error code, the user can call HYPRE_ClearError(HYPRE_ERROR_CODE). Finally, if hypre was configured with --with-print-errors, additional error information will be printed to the standard error during execution.

Bug Reporting and General Support

Simply create an issue at ``_ to report bugs, request features, or ask general usage questions.

Users should include as much relevant information as possible in their issue report, including at a minimum, the hypre version number being used. For compile and runtime problems, please also include the machine type, operating system, MPI implementation, compiler, and any error messages produced.

Using HYPRE in External FEI Implementations


FEI is not actively supported by the hypre development team. For similar functionality, we recommend using Block-Structured Grids with Finite Elements, which allows the representation of block-structured grid problems via hypre’s SStruct interface.

To set up hypre for use in external, e.g. Sandia’s, FEI implementations one needs to follow the following steps:

  1. obtain the hypre and Sandia’s FEI source codes,

  2. compile Sandia’s FEI (fei-2.5.0) to create the fei_base library.

  3. compile hypre

    • unpack the archive and go into the src directory

    • do a configure with the --with-fei-inc-dir option set to the FEI include directory plus other compile options

    • compile with make install to create the HYPRE_LSI library in hypre/lib.

  4. call the FEI functions in your application code (as shown in Chapters Finite Element Interface and Solvers and Preconditioners)

    • include cfei-hypre.h in your file

    • include FEI_Implementation.h in your file

  5. Modify your Makefile

    • include hypre’s include and lib directories in the search paths.

    • Link with -lfei_base -lHYPRE_LSI. Note that the order in which the libraries are listed may be important.

Building an application executable often requires linking with many different software packages, and many software packages use some LAPACK and/or BLAS functions. In order to alleviate the problem of multiply defined functions at link time, it is recommended that all software libraries are stripped of all LAPACK and BLAS function definitions. These LAPACK and BLAS functions should then be resolved at link time by linking with the system LAPACK and BLAS libraries (e.g. dxml on DEC cluster). Both hypre and SuperLU were built with this in mind. However, some other software library files needed may have the BLAS functions defined in them. To avoid the problem of multiply defined functions, it is recommended that the offending library files be stripped of the BLAS functions.

Calling HYPRE from Other Languages

The hypre library currently supports two languages: C (native) and Fortran (in version 2.10.1 and earlier, additional language interfaces were also provided through a tool called Babel). The Fortran interface is manually supported to mirror the “native” C interface used throughout most of this manual. We describe this interface next.

Typically, the Fortran subroutine name is the same as the C name, unless it is longer than 31 characters. In these situations, the name is condensed to 31 characters, usually by simple truncation. For now, users should look at the Fortran test drivers (*.f codes) in the test directory for the correct condensed names. In the future, this aspect of the interface conversion will be made consistent and straightforward.

The Fortran subroutine argument list is always the same as the corresponding C routine, except that the error return code ierr is always last. Conversion from C parameter types to Fortran argument type is summarized in following table:

C parameter

Fortran argument

int i

integer i

double d

double precision d

int *array

integer array(*)

double *array

double precision array(*)

char *string

character string(*)

HYPRE_Type object

integer*8 object

HYPRE_Type *object

integer*8 object

Array arguments in hypre are always of type (int *) or (double *), and the corresponding Fortran types are simply integer or double precision arrays. Note that the Fortran arrays may be indexed in any manner. For example, an integer array of length N may be declared in fortran as either of the following:

integer  array(N)
integer  array(0:N-1)

hypre objects can usually be declared as in the table because integer*8 usually corresponds to the length of a pointer. However, there may be some machines where this is not the case. On such machines, the Fortran type for a hypre object should be an integer of the appropriate length.

This simple example illustrates the above information:

C prototype:

int HYPRE_IJMatrixSetValues(HYPRE_IJMatrix  matrix,
                            int  nrows, int  *ncols,
                            const int *rows, const int  *cols,
                            const double  *values);

The corresponding Fortran code for calling this routine is as follows:

integer*8         matrix
integer           nrows, ncols(MAX_NCOLS)
integer           rows(MAX_ROWS), cols(MAX_COLS)
double precision  values(MAX_COLS)
integer           ierr

call HYPRE_IJMatrixSetValues(matrix, nrows, ncols, rows, cols, values, ierr)