Multigrid Reduction (MGR)
MGR is a parallel multigrid reduction solver and preconditioner designed to take advantage of use-provided information to solve systems of equations with multiple vatiable types. The algorithm is similar to two-stage preconditioner strategies and other reduction techniques like ARMS, but in a standard multigrid framework.
The MGR algorithm accepts information about the variables in block form from the user and uses it to define the appropriate C/F splitting for the multigrid scheme. The linear system solve proceeds with an F-relaxation solve on the F points, folowed by a coarse grid correction. The coarse grid solve is handled by scalar AMG (BoomerAMG). MGR provides users with more control over the coarsening process, and can potentially be a starting point for designing multigrid-based physics-based preconditioners.
The following represents a minimal set of functions, and some optional functions, to call to use the MGR solver. For simplicity, we ignore the function parameters here, and refer the reader to the reference manual for more details on the parameters and their defaults.
Create the MGR solver object.HYPRE_MGRSetCpointsByBlock:
Set up block data with information about coarse indexes for reduction. Here, the user specifies the number of reduction levels, as well as the the coarse nodes for each level of the reduction. These coarse nodes are indexed by their index in the block of unknowns. This is used internally to tag the appropriate indexes of the linear system matrix as coarse nodes.(Optional)
Prescribe a subset of nodes to be kept as coarse nodes until the coarsest level. These nodes are transferred onto the coarsest grid of the BoomerAMG coarse grid solver.(Optional)
Set points not prescribed as C points to be fixed as F points for intermediate levels. Setting this to 1 uses the user input to define the C/F splitting. Otherwise, a BoomerAMG coarsening routine is used to determine the C/F splitting for intermediate levels.(Optional)
This function sets the BoomerAMG solver to be used for the solve on the coarse grid. The user can define their own BoomerAMG solver with their preferred options and pass this to the MGR solver. Otherwise, an internal BoomerAMG solver is used as the coarse grid solver instead.HYPRE_MGRSetup:
Setup and MGR solver object.HYPRE_MGRSolve:
Solve the linear system.HYPRE_MGRDestroy:
Destroy the MGR solver object
For more details about additional solver options and parameters, please refer to the reference manual. NOTE: The MGR solver is currently only supported by the IJ interface.